Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Does Anyone Know What Is Happening?

Due to the coronavrius outbreak, the IMF warned that global growth will dip below 2019 levels although its exact level is still difficult to predict [File: Aly Song/Reuters]

Paul Donovan, Zero Hedge: UBS: Does Anyone Know What Is Happening?

Does anyone know what is happening?

Economic data is likely to become increasingly unreliable as a result of the coronavirus lockdown. We know the global economy will be bad. We will not know, with much accuracy, just how bad.
Annualizing data is absurd in the current climate. What happens in the second quarter is not going to be repeated for the rest of the year. Time to stop annualizing numbers.
Most economic data is survey based. Industrial production, some unemployment numbers, inflation numbers, GDP and the various sentiment opinion polls need people to fill in surveys. If you are filling in survey forms in a lockdown you are likely to be an unusual person, and possibly not representative.
Social media spreads fear and affects sentiment. Sentiment affects answers to surveys. Data, like consumer price inflation, includes restaurant prices, but restaurants are closed. What happens when you survey something that is not there?
Online spending is likely to have increased in lockdowns. Online spending may stay higher after the lockdowns end. It may not be properly captured in official data.
Some data items are more reliable than others. Investors need to be careful about putting economic numbers into investment models, however. Garbage in means garbage out.

The global economy is going to have a very bad few months. Fear of the coronavirus has changed consumer behavior. Government policy aims to cut GDP growth in most major economies. But we may not really know what is actually going on in these economies. The quality of economic data is going to be affected by shutdowns. So where are the problems?

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I know the following is happening. The world economy has shut down. For the first time in history a decision has been made among almost every government in the world to close down their economy. And you can take this to the bank, major economic decisions will not be made until a vaccine is safely developed and administered, and we will not see that happening until late next year. What concerns me even more is that a coronavirus vaccine has never been developed .... this is new territory (scientifically speaking), and there is no guarantee on when it will be developed. And as for when will medicines be available to deal with this pandemic, that is also unknown.

This lack of certainty on when a vaccine will be developed and administered is devastating the economy and global supply chains. In the meantime the balance sheets of all governments and most individuals have been completely upended with this pandemic, which will mean more taxes, inflation, and economic uncertainty. And here is an easy prediction. It is going to get worse, especially if critical supply chains like food and essential services are disrupted. And as for the economy when it does re-open. Do not expect a boom. How can an economy go forward  when many people do not have money, or very little of it, to drive it forward?


Anonymous said...

So, all economies shut down, except China's. A virus starts in Wuhan, China. The World's economy is fcked like never before, and made dependent on China, which surprise, surprise, is oddly prepared for this.

Troops moving into Cheyenne Mountain.

Deaths exceeding 9/11 already.

China made it worse by sending faulty test kits all around the World, and by witholding info for so long - remember the Chinese doctor who tried to warn us all and who got first arrested and then die of the Wuhan virus? And then suddenly we were told not to call it Wuhan virus anymore, even though the doctor died in the Wuhan hospital.. CNN told us we are racist. The Chinese told us we are racist.

But Ebola virus.
Western Nile virus.
Even Lyme virus (named after Lyme Kenntucky).. but no Chinese will accept it.

Hypernationalism, combined with patriotism, propaganda, it is the perfect storm.

Things could get very hot very quickly if China will not make changes. The World is watching. And I don't think the World will accept China's wet market practices .. there will be an entirely new set of trade barriers if China does not change. At least that and maybe more.

The World is pissed and has the right to be pissed. Chinese must stop lying and stop telling us not to call it what it is. A virus from China, Wuhan.

Anonymous said...

Corona is no different than influenza. You are targeting slightly different proteins.

They could have a vaccine tomorrow, if they wanted. but the scientists want to wring their hands and others want to grab power.

"viruses exist in the form of independent particles, or virions, consisting of:

(i) the genetic material, i.e. long molecules of DNA or RNA that encode the structure of the proteins by which the virus acts;

(ii) a protein coat, the capsid, which surrounds and protects the genetic material; and in some cases

(iii) an outside envelope of lipids."

We have not identified the proteins in the protein coat?

The how do we know it is not COVID-18, COVID-20, COVID-42, COVID-69 or some other covid?

They do not know how to grow virions and make vaccines with whatever proteins expressed on the outer coat? They use check embryos or eggs. We have plenty of those.

The scientists cum bureaucrats want 1 or 2 years of testings to look at long term effects. That is all they are waiting for, if everything is on the up and up (or they want power).
At best it is the precautionary principles.

Operating with the precautionary principle will cause deaths. Operating without it being the determining factor or implementing it fully will cause deaths. Going the former route give scientists and government more prestige and power.

It is all BS.

Remember for every percentage point of unemployment you get an extra 10,000 deaths.
5 or 10 points of unemployment and you have 50 to 100 thousand dead people.

You can have your dead people with or without an economy.

If you choose without an economy, they died by an act of man. If you choose with an economy, they died by an act of Nature.

It is not a hard choice.

All the people of various Green Parties or Green sympathies love this pandemic. They get to cull the heard as they see it and cull the economy. Afterwards we live by their good book or so they think.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 3:17 send that to the publisher and get prepared for a rejection email.

Anonymous said...


Crusader said...

Long term: Borders will close.
And remain closed.
Exports will be fumigated and cleaned.
Trade will carry on.
Isolationism for a while.
Then a vaccine will arrive.
Then a massive month-long party.
Then the recriminations start. Mostly directed internally
Then China will be public enemy #1.

ankitkumar said...


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