Friday, April 10, 2020

Nature Magazine Apologizes To China For Linking Covid-19 With Wuhan And China

SCMP: Coronavirus: Nature magazine apologises for reports linking Covid-19 with China

* Scientific journal admits it ‘was an error on our part’ to erroneously link the pathogen with Wuhan and China
* ‘It would be tragic if stigma, fuelled by the coronavirus, led Asia’s young people to retreat from international campuses,’ it says

British scientific journal Nature has apologised for associating Covid-19 with China in its reporting, saying that early coverage of the global health crisis by itself and other media had led to racist attacks on people of Asian descent around the world.

In an article published on Tuesday, the publication said that the World Health Organisation’s announcement on February 11 that the official name for the pneumonia-like virus would be Covid-19 had been an implicit reminder to “those who had erroneously been associating the virus with Wuhan and with China in their news coverage – including Nature”.

“That we did so was an error on our part, for which we take responsibility and apologise,” it said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is not the first time that Nature has rushed to the defense of China. Nature magazine has been pushing back on claims that the Covid-19 coronavirus was engineered in China's Wuhan secret National Biosafety Lab .... The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 (Nature Magazine). Many are also accusing Nature magazine's parent company of censoring articles that China disapproves of .... ‘An Unacceptable Breach of Trust’ (Inside Higher Ed).

Update: For more on how did the Covid-19 coronavirus come into being, go here .... Did China Unleash A Bio-Weapon Upon The World? (April 5, 2020).


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I saw an official virus naming system that consists of several parts. I think it was part 3 that referenced place of origin.

To me calling it Wuhan virus doesn't mean a thing except to describe its place of origin. WE called MERS, MErs back in 2011. Now we are racists all the sudden?

By my reasoning a geographic region that contains 14% of all people in the world will generate about 14% of all germs in the world everything else being equal. So it doesn't mean a thing to me.

The assholes on the Left have been playing politics with this all along. Now they are crying that blocks are harder hit. And?

We know why. That is the Democrat Party Munchausen by proxy at work. Just give Trump time. He'll get the economy going again after Democrats just totally fucked it like it was dead horse. Trump will get the economy going. People will get jobs, wages will rise, and more and more blacks will move into the burbs. This works much better than Democrats giving this or that group small increase in allowance, I mean welfare.

Another reason blacks have a higher death rate might just be because they are black. Whites or people with A type blood have an increased risk for heart disease than Asians. That is not racism; that just is.

Black have a better ability to fight diseases like yellow fever and similar diseases. On the downside they have higher risk for hypertension. 6 of one; 1/2 dozen of another. Pick your poison. Think of it has an engineering trade-off and the genome makes them all the time.

I am tired of Liberal/Democrat/Leftists always virtue signaling. That stupid shit has got to stop. Those fucking idiots need to get a real educations.

Anonymous said...

"In the last two weeks, confirmed cases of the Wuhan virus have risen dramatically — more than 9,800 cases were recorded as of January 31. "

- Business Insider JAN 31, 2020

All the liberal fuckshits and the Leftist media outlets were using the term Wuhan virus or similar names until a memo came out in late February or sometime in March and then they all smartly about faced and started calling everyone racist.

Non-mainstream media has made video and audio montages of these little craven fuckers doing this in January.

Anonymous said...

Lyme disease is named after a place.

Rocky Mountain Spotted fever is named after a region.

I do not find the 1st disease name particularly useful, but I find the latter extremely so. It reminds me, when I go into the woods, that I am not the biggest, baddest thing out there. If you can outwit, outfight, or outgun the apex predators in the Rockies, you are still very able to get cashiered by a predators like ticks, mosquitoes, protozoans, worms, or something. It makes you humble, cautious, and aware.

If we bow down to liberals on naming conventions, things will always remain in an uproar.

Anonymous said...

China Originated Viral Infectious Disease - 19