Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A U.S. Republican Congrssional Landslide This November?

WNU Editor: Yesterday's special election for a US Congressional seat in Los Angeles county has surprised a lot of observers, with the Republican challenger winning by almost 11%. This is a worrisome development for U.S. Democrats. This is a swing riding, and this was a gain for the Democrat party in 2018 when the challenger Katie Hill won with 54% of the vote. Hillary Clinton won this district by 6% in 2016. This district is also 35% Hispanic, and Whites are a minority (45%). And while Rep. Katie Hill did resign because of a "sex scandal" and reports of drug abuse, her Democrat replacement (Christy Smith) has a stellar resume and background and was endorsed by everyone from the Los Angeles Times to Democrat leaders in California. Democrats control the state of California, and they invested heavily in this race. Clearly it did not work out.

Update: Republicans also won the Congressional seat in Wisconsin's Seventh Congressional District special election by about 15% (results here). This is Trump country. I expected the margin of victory to be larger.


RussInSoCal said...

CA-25 was closely watched by every Dem and media org. Millions of dollars were spent on campaign ads and outreach. The Dems were banking on keeping this seat and gloating heavily over the crash of any GOP hopes for success in the fall. That didn't happen. In fact it was a 12 point landslide loss. It could tighten up as the Democrat fraud machine is full tilt into mail-in balloting. But the margin looks to be safely out of reach of the ballot-harvesting shenanigans they pulled last cycle.

As important as this election was to the Dems and the "bellwether" status they surely would have assigned it had they won, look for utter silence on the loss.

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin 7 was Dave Obey's east from 1969 to 2011, which is a literal a whole generation.

Many red states are actually purple. River city towns are more densely populated and they are the blue part of many a red state. Psycho history. Democrats may gloat over it as destiny, but what I see is them gaining ascendancy, peaking, and then cork screwing things into the ground.

We are well past the Willie Brown machine politics where Democrats could provide some city services and muddle along. We are into full blown retarded Social Democrat policies that make Venezuela or 1991 USSR look like their goal.

Anonymous said...

After Obey Duffy represented the district.

In his 1st race he only took the district by 8 points,
As incumbent during the next election he took it by 12 points.

So winning the 7th with not being the incumbent is okay to good.

Anonymous said...

We will see

Anonymous said...

Huge turnout

Democrats are going to be lynched, swinging from lamposts; put up there by former Democrat voters.

Elected Democrats and apparatchiks have government jobs. This shutdown does not hurt them. So they do not care how long it lasts.

People will wise up to that, be envious, and then angry. The longer it goes on the higher the boil.