Friday, May 8, 2020

Can The U.S. Fight A Cold War With China?

Members of a military medical team head for Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, on Jan. 26, 2020. (Xinhua/Cheng Min)

Hal Brands, Bloomberg: Can a Broke America Fight a Cold War With China?

The coronavirus has united Americans against Beijing’s aggressions, but it will also devastate the Pentagon budget.

America seems to be on the verge of declaring cold war on China, while simultaneously weakening its own ability to wage such a conflict. Across the ideological spectrum, U.S. hostility to China has surged just as financial fallout of the pandemic threatens to harm the U.S. defense budget for years to come.

The U.S. may thus be entering a period like the beginning of the original Cold War, when it decided to confront the Soviet Union on a shoestring. The U.S. ultimately won that Cold War, of course, but that analogy should be less comforting than it first seems because it reminds us that a cash-strapped approach to competition can be an extremely risky one.

For several years, American national security elites have mostly called for a more competitive strategy toward China, while the American people have not been so certain. Now the coronavirus has convinced many Americans that the Chinese government poses not just some nebulous threat to the U.S.-led international order, but a direct danger to their prosperity and well-being. Overwhelming majorities of Republicans and Democrats now favor a China policy as tough as or tougher than the Donald Trump administration’s current stance. With an eye to November, Trump and presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden are competing over who is the bigger China hawk. As economic decoupling accelerates, and rhetoric and policies harden on both sides, the U.S.-China cold war that pundits have been predicting may actually be unfolding.

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WNU Editor: I concur with the above analysis that there has been an enormous shift in US public opinion when it comes to China. Most Americans are now convinced that the Chinese do not only pose an economic threat, but a very real danger to everyone's well being. I guess the death of tens of thousands of Americans coupled with a lockdown that has impacted every American economically from a virus that came from China has put a nail in that coffin. As for China, the government does see the current chaos caused by coronavirus pandemic as a window of strategic opportunity than a reason for restraint, and are going to implement what it takes to assert its geopolitical objectives. But while I do not believe the U.S. is ready to fight a Cold War against China, I do not think China is ready to fight one either. That is why I think the focus from now on for both countries will be economic, and the country that can come out of this pandemic economically first will be the one best positioned to influence geopolitical events in the future.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes I agree too with the above statement that public opinion in the US has shifted dramatically against China. I don't have much use for the rest of the article.

Anonymous said...

"Can a Broke America Fight a Cold War With China?"
With ease.

RussInSoCal said...

I think the better question is; Can China fight a Cold War with the US, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Australia, India, UK and maybe Russia and Africa? The answer is no.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right.

Anonymous said...

An Addenda,
We may have had the same experiences, at least I think so. I will tell you this I have talked to and had some interaction with the younger generation and I'm impressed with them. I think they are a lot better than is thought. Our leadership, well I don't think the same especially over O-6.

Anonymous said...

Russ, you are spot on.

Anonymous said...

The US cannot fight a Cold War against China. There are too many assholes in America

Case in point:

Gavin Newsom, the California Supreme Court, elected Democrats, and at least a 3rd of their voters.

Democrats are a disease worse than HIV, HPV, Herpes, Cornon, Ebola, hantavirus and small pox combined.

California Court Green-Lights Newsom’s Illegal Alien Giveaway Program

Jeffsmith said...

You got that right. It's not just the usa.

Anonymous said...


First strike weapon

Releases of additional batches in US with mutated strains very likely already in process

This is planned

You'll see hundreds of thousands of dead American - and again, China will not understand when not to deeply insult the west. As they have done previously and still do. Even while our brothers and sisters and parents and grand parents die, they blamed us. Imagine this. The arrogance and ignorance of what the response will be.

A well deserved response.

It's easy in the mind of the Chinese. Trump is not a killer, they bet the US will suffer greatly and they don't care.

Their mistake

Never bet against Americans
Never bet against Donald J Trump

Revenge will be sweet

B.Poster said...

I like the optimism generally expressed here that the US can fight and win a war against China be it a cold one or otherwise. I hope and pray such optimism is warranted as we do seem to be in this confrontation.

Anonymous said...

Mike Feldhake said...


Antitroll said...

Whoever shoots nukes first wins. Has nothing to do about economics here. Anyone who thinks that these 2 nations will fight a normal war are oblivious. As for Russia, they will definitely side with China over usa. That is a no brainer