Friday, May 22, 2020

China Imposes New Security Law On Hong Kong

NBC: Hong Kong lawmaker mourns 'end of homeland' as China mulls anti-protest law

"This is the end of Hong Kong and it’s like the end of our homeland," said Tanya Chan, a legislator in the territory.

HONG KONG — Pro-democracy legislators in Hong Kong on Friday hit back after Beijing introduced a new national security law that could limit protests and dramatically reduce the territory's autonomy.

"This is the end of Hong Kong and it’s like the end of our homeland," Tanya Chan, a member of Hong Kong's Legislative Council, said at the start of China's annual National People's Congress in Beijing, where the bill was set to be discussed.

"I recall the time when I was young, and I believed in 'one country, two systems,' and I believed we were going to showcase to the world that Hong Kong people can rule Hong Kong," she added. "But now, I'm not yet 50 years old and suddenly all is gone."

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Hong Kong as we know it has changed. I expect China will be moving very quickly to do this .... China looks to set up national security agencies in Hong Kong (Financial Times). More here .... China paves way for security agencies to set up in Hong Kong (Irish Times).

Update: I can guarantee this is going to happen .... Hong Kong activists call for protest after China vows stronger security enforcement (France 24).

More News On China Imposing A New Security Law On Hong Kong

China's Premier Li Keqiang pledges to 'ensure national security' in Hong Kong and Macau -- ABC News Online
Chinese security forces could be deployed in Hong Kong under new law -- The Guardian
Hong Kong plunges more than 5% as Beijing plans to impose new security laws -- CNBC
Two Sessions 2020: Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam vows ‘full support’ for national security law and promises city’s freedoms will remain unaffected -- SCMP
Beijing Says Imposing a National Security Law in Hong Kong Is Necessary. Democracy Activists Call It 'the Saddest Day' in City History -- Time
Hong Kong security law: What is it and is it worrying? -- BBC
Opinion: Beijing flexing its muscle in Hong Kong -- Dang Yuan, DW
China's proposed security law: A death sentence for Hong Kong? -- William Yang (Taipei), DW
What does Beijing’s new national security law for Hong Kong cover, and who should worry? -- Jeffie Lam and Kimmy Chung, SCMP


Anonymous said...

China cannot afford to fail at this while the National Congress is in session.

Anonymous said...

Here we...go!

Jac said...

We have to stop the "virtual" status of Hong Kong and put it on the same one of China mainland.

Unknown said...

The CCP would have planned & prepped for this long ago. I suspect their organisations will be able to act swiftly. Expect a glut on the organ donar business. Keep ducking in Hong Kong 🖖💀

Anonymous said...

Also expect our treasonous media, namely CNN, Washington Post, NY Times, MSNBC, PBS and of course the Associated Press to KOW TOW and censor us. .just like YouTube and Google and Facebook censor bow to Chinese will and repeat their talking points (including DJT is bad, men are evil, women always right, whites are racist,
Blacks must vote Democrat) ..Why?

Because they are paid to divide us. They just don't always know. Some guess. Some know. It's an unspoken but well known inconvenience that their bosses are paid by China. The weakness of capitalism and our open societies are that the most ignorant, most corrupt and the most selfish will believe when they look in the mirror every morning, that the they are doing good for our homeland. Day by day, taking that cheque. Selling us out. Bit by bit.

And why wouldn't they?

In a culture that glorifies the wealthy not the righteous. A culture that lusts comfort and handbags. Opioids and other pain killers. We are being weakened and drugged. Told what words to use. Told what to care about. Care about 5 gender bathrooms they shriek. Care about Greta. Believe in the Russia hoax. Believe in our pinnocio counts. Believe the fact checkers. All corrupt.

Until this is fixed and our Media is called out for what it is:traitors on all levels, morally, spiritually and intellectually, the demise of the West will continue. Freedom will vanish. Replaced by conflict and sinister regimes. Secret organisations and deep state actors who have backup plans if the people vote for someone they disapprove of. High treason all around.

The last breath will be nuclear. Followed by deserved silence on all sides. Until mankind learns to reject the greedy, filthy, corrupt, shallow, lying "media elite" and their corrupt image of what our society and values should be like. If we follow their image, we shall deserve no less.