Friday, May 22, 2020

International Reaction To China's Proposed Security Law For Hong Kong

SCMP: International opposition mounts against China’s proposed security law for Hong Kong

* British, Australian and Canadian foreign ministers stress that Sino-British Joint Declaration remains legally binding
* EU says ‘democratic debate, consultation of key stakeholders and respect for protected rights and freedoms in Hong Kong’ needed before passing law

As China took the first step to impose a new national security law on Hong Kong, international opposition grew Friday, with the foreign ministers of Britain, Australia and Canada issuing a joint statement of alarm about the move and the European Union calling for the need to preserve the city's high degree of autonomy.

“We are deeply concerned at proposals for introducing legislation related to national security in Hong Kong,” the statement by British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, and his Australian and Canadian counterparts, Marise Payne and François-Philippe Champagne, said.

“Making such a law on Hong Kong’s behalf without the direct participation of its people, legislature or judiciary would clearly undermine the principle of ‘one country, two systems’, under which Hong Kong is guaranteed a high degree of autonomy.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: More threats from China .... China Will Fight Back if U.S. Intervenes in Hong Kong, Beijing Warns (Newsweek).

More News On International Reaction To China's Proposed Security Law For Hong Kong

Pompeo: China measure a ‘death knell’ for Hong Kong autonomy -- AP
Hong Kong: Pompeo condemns China’s law as ‘death knell’ for freedoms -- BBC
US says China security law a 'death knell' for Hong Kong autonomy -- Al Jazeera
Mike Pompeo calls Beijing’s move against Hong Kong ‘disastrous’ and hints at US sanctions -- SCMP
Global markets fall as China moves to tighten control over Hong Kong -- The Guardian


jimbrown said...

Covid 19 is an excellent strategic crowd control device.

Jac said...

I hope (I'm very stupid) it will be a wake up call for the western world. If not....we are very mature for bad, bad, bad future days.