FILE PHOTO: Chinese and U.S. flags flutter near The Bund, before U.S. trade delegation meet their Chinese counterparts for talks in Shanghai, China July 30, 2019. REUTERS/Aly Song
Lyu Jinghua, Defense One: US, China Should Pursue Peace, Not Military Brinkmanship
Neither side wants to appear weak, but recent actions and rhetoric by both sides has put all of us in greater danger of U.S.-China military tensions sliding into armed conflict.
The coronavirus pandemic is reshaping the U.S.-China relationship — but in the opposite of the way that many expected. While the world hoped this pandemic might lead to more cooperation between these two great powers, American and Chinese leaders instead fell into a blame game and allowed their increasing suspicions, or even enmity, to guide their decision-making. And while hostile leaders finger-point at each other, a less-noticed series of military and policy actions by both sides has put all of us in greater danger of U.S.-China military tensions sliding into armed conflict. Tensions are increasing over intensified military activities taken by both sides, how the virus is impacting each side’s readiness to use military force, and the rising mistrust among both peoples. But there is a peaceful way out of this spiral.
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WNU Editor: To me the above article/commentary is a textbook example on how commentators/analysts/and pundits are in denial on what has happened since the beginning of the year. They are still clinging to the idea that the old diplomatic understandings and remedies can still be used to defuse the tensions of today. Nothing can be further from the truth. We now know that China was aware of the seriousness of this outbreak at the beginning of January (if not earlier), and used this period of time to grab the world's supply of PPE while advising the World Health Organization that there was no human-to-human transmission and the disease was under control. When the World Health Organization finally acknowledged that this was a serious outbreak, China closed the center of the outbreak in Hubei province, but permitted international travel to continue thereby infecting the rest of the world. Those actions have been devastating. And one has to wonder that once the outbreak was out of control in China, was a decision was made to infect the rest of the world? Their actions certainly indicate that. The consequences of those actions have been devastating. In the case of the U.S. it has resulted in the death of tens of thousands of Americans, and the destruction of the U.S. economy. To make matters worse, China is blaming the U.S. for this global pandemic, even while this continues to devastate the U.S.. The U.S. is not the only country in China's cross-hairs. The rhetoric from China is now outright hostility coupled with extreme Chinese nationalism backed-up by military activities against all those that are disputing China's territorial claims. In this environment, coupled with China's unconditional territorial demands, I do not see how any pursue of peace is even remotely possible.
"In the case of the U.S. it has resulted in the death of tens of thousands of Americans, and the destruction of the U.S. economy."
Fewer American would have died,because the spread would have been slower and been more like SARS, which really did not hit the US hard.
The destruction of the American economy is a political act. It was an American choice.
Grandma dying in the nursing home does not stop one production line. We are told that meat packing plants are hard hit. If people were honest, they would report the infections were transmitted in company housing and not in the actual plant itself. The infections in the company housing of the meat processing plants says more about immigration (H-2) and wage scales, then how deadly this virus is or is not.
IF you are going to blame the virus instead of meat packing plant wages, then it says more about the people, who purposefully hold to such convenient lies. Look in the mirror.
Better yet expand you knowledge and take a factory tour.
Peace is only possible if China acts like a normal state. They have not, and do not. The Chinese government can be solely blamed for any escalation, and perhaps WW3. They are -exactly- like Nazi Germany
Concentration camps? CHECK (1mn Urdus!)
Land grab? CHECK (South China Sea)
Bullying neigbors? CHECK (see above)
Disregard for human dignity and international law? DOUBLE CHECK
Hypermilitarisation? CHECK
Thinking they are THE best race? CHECK
This is a nightmare scenario and our media (CNN, MSNBC, WAPO) are to blame for this disaster of a sleeping US population.
Concentration camps? CHECK (1mn Urdus!)
It is Uighurs not Urdus unless China is imprisoning Pakistanis. The point is valid.
Land grab? CHECK (South China Sea)
The Paracels belong to China not Vietnam. Vietnam bases their claim on the French colonial claim, which is 200 years old or less. China;s clan goes back to the Ming dynasty. Still in the main your point still stands and is valid.
Thinking they are THE best race? CHECK
That really is everyone. Pan-Slavic, Pan-Turkic, Pan-German, Pan-Arabic, Muslim, Pan-African, La Raza, ...
Show me a group and some percentage will be supremacist.
Pan-whatever is not necessarily bad any more than being nationalist. There are a few other items added to Nationalism or Pan-whatever that then make it racist.
Your point is valid. Seen it myself.
Thank you and please excuse my spelling. I don't think the point is semantics and I don't think this is your intention either. The land grab claim goes beyond the parcels and it doesn't matter how old your claim law should settle this dispute, NOT ramming ships and beating up sailors. Talk to the Vietnamese to see what they think.
Also China is looking up north and west for more land claims. Also talk to India about their border disputes. China is full on pushing the borders of warfare. We shouldn't dilute our efforts by arguing over semantics. But overall thank you for your thoughtful comment and correcting me
Some more points
Xi appointed emperor for life. The same day he swears in the military to him directly - just like Hitler did - and tells them not to fear death. Thin that's normal?
The suppresion of religion and persecution of religious leaders - just like Nazi Germany did. Think that's normal?
I could go on and on ..what's most scary though is the brain washing. They succeeded to even brainwash Chinese who live in Europe (where I am)..they ihrem do not integrate culturally and believe the lies coming from Beijing. The hyper patriotism.. sure. .many nations are patriotic. .but I've been to many countries - maybe 20 or do - few reach the level of Chinese patriotism.
It is an ethno state. You will not see any blacks being treated nicely. You will not see any whites in the government. It is a recipe for disaster. The world needs to urgently wake up. We are so close to war and CNN acts as if it's business as normal. It is not.
The IP and patent theft in the trillions on top. Extortion of business. People disappearing. The lies about Hong Kong.
No more semantics please. We all need to challenge our media ifiots and the narrative tust they are elites while they're asleep. Drunk in their own image. Idiots. Tapper. Lemon. Cuomo. Cooper. Amanpour. They claim to be journalists. They seem to know nothing. Shame on them. They failed us all.
What is law isn't always right.
It was lawful to own people in the US prior to the Civil War.
China's claims versus The Phillipines, Malaysia & Brunei are bogus.
India's claims are based on British claims. British claims were at the point of a sword.
Addressing IP theft claims and damages would go a long way to addressing the trade imbalance.
I know for a fact that in the recent past (before corona) expensive car dealership would pick up more than a few students at the airport, take them to the dealership and they would drive off with a new car. Red Princes. It seems to me if they paid full freight maybe they would not spend so lavishly.
100% okay with you. And if I was Putin I would worry a lot, not for now but for the future. As soon China will have the access to the full Pacific, China will put its eyes to the north. Siberia has all what China needs: Minerals, oil, room etc.
Russia acquired those territory from China after the Mexican American War.
So, if America should give that back to Mexico (or the Indians), then Russian should give the north bank of the Amur back to China.
You could get 5% to 10% of Americans (leftists) who believe that America should give territory to Mexico. Now, if those same Leftoids were consistent than they would believe that Russia should give back that territory.
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