Wednesday, May 6, 2020

China's Navy Using Underground Tunnels To Protect Its Key Warships And Submarines

The Chinese Navy has a number of underground tunnels accessed from the sea, distributed along the coastline. They are often associated with submarine bases. H I Sutton

Forbes: Chinese Navy Submarines Are Protected By Underground Tunnels

China is a maritime nation with over 9,000 miles of coastline, dotted with ports. Compared to most other countries, it has a large number of naval bases. By dispersing its forces across many bases the Chinese Navy, formally known as the PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy), is protecting them against surprise attack. But some of it bases go further, offering underground tunnels to protect key warships and submarines.

In the age of precision strike cruise missiles and bunker buster bombs, tunnels may seem an outdated idea. But they still provide cover against some air attack and, perhaps more importantly, prying eyes. And they can also protect against nuclear attack, provided it is not a direct hit.

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WNU Editor: These tunnels must be massive.


Anonymous said...

The Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Taiwan, & the Phillipines form a natural SOSUS chain (or bases for aircraft and small buoys to patrol and drop buoys).

The tunnels could help China's opponents guess more, because satellites cannot keep track of them as well.

You get of the US west coast or Hawaii and you are immediately in deep water.

It think it is another factor as to why China wants Taiwan and part of the Ryukyu Islands so badly. It is not just old grievances, but so their Navy won't be penned in.

Anonymous said...

Ask the Japanese, Vietnamese, and the French how well tunnels worked out.

Anonymous said...

Ask enemies of the enemies of the Russians how well thermobaric bombs work on tunnels.

Anonymous said...

No need to, the Russian success is world renowned, on everyone's lips.

Stephen Davenport said...

There are weapons that can defeat those tunnels

Anonymous said...

Russian hardware sunk the INS Eilat.

The Russian built the best tank of WW2. If you understand things, then you understand bad welds equals perfect quality. I sincerely doubt you understand things.

I would like to know whether the A-10 or Sukhoi Su-25 is the better plane. Both pack a lot of punch. Both are scary. The A-10 can take a lot of punishment. What I don't know is if the A-10 can take more punishment than the SU-25. Also can the SU-25 survive in a less permissive environment than the A-10?

The Russians certainly make good hardware.

The Russians have produced good commanders like Brusilov and Zhukov. The American have produced bad commanders like Omar Bradley. And good ones like Patton.

How smart can some American commanders be? Like McChrystal? He supports Hillary. How can he support Hillary after what Team D did to Flynn?

fazman said...

Pantsir is doing a great job in Syria... Not. Russian hardware in a peer environment soon finds out its not in the manufacturers brochure.. Junk

Anonymous said...

Syrian operators. Poor logistics, ... Questions ... no answers.

If Americans are so good what did 3 green berets think they were doing in Venezuela? It kind of questions our recruitment, promotion, and training practices in the US military. Why did they think they had a chance?