Saturday, May 9, 2020

Former President Obama Says President Trump's Handling Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Been 'An Absolute chaotic Disaster'

Daily Mail: Obama blasts Trump's handling of coronavirus pandemic as 'an absolute chaotic disaster' and blames the president for America being more 'selfish, tribal, and divided' in leaked call

* Former president hit out at Trump in web talk to ex-administration officials
* Obama said administration's response to pandemic is 'spotty and anemic'
* Former president also blamed Trump for exacerbating 'tribal' strife in country
* Comments were sharpest attack by Obama aimed at President Trump
* Trump defended performance during pandemic despite nearly 78,000 dead
* President has claimed his travel ban on China saved millions of lives

The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been an ‘absolute chaotic disaster,’ former President Barack Obama said on Friday.

President Trump’s predecessor blamed the current occupant of the Oval Office and his allies for exacerbating ‘tribal’ tensions around the country, which he says has hampered the effort to reduce total number of cases nationwide.

Audio of the web call in which Obama spoke was obtained by Yahoo News.

‘What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy - that has become a stronger impulse in American life,’ the president said.

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WNU Editor: In the Western world ruling governments and opposition parties have joined together under difficult circumstances to combat a pandemic that is causing incredible harm to the world. I find it inspiring that there is a global recognition that this is a unique event, and that people need to work together to fight this pandemic. I see it in the country I live in (Canada), and I see it in the U.S. between the federal government and the states. There are of course some disputes (in both Canada and the U.S.), but I noticed that these differences were always temporary. As I said, there is a general understanding that people need to work together to handle what is an extraordinary emergency. It is unfortunate that former President Obama has decided to pursue a course of action that is political and deeply divisive. I am not surprised that the mainstream media and progressives are applauding him for his remarks, but for everyone else, this is definitely not a time for partisan politics.

More News On Former President Obama Saying President Trump's Handling Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Been 'An Absolute chaotic Disaster'

Obama lashes out at Trump in call with supporters -- AP
In leaked call, Obama describes Trump handling of virus as chaotic -- Reuters
'Chaotic disaster': Obama hits Trump's coronavirus response, warns of disinformation ahead of election -- NBC
Obama Blasts Trump’s Coronavirus Response as ‘Absolute Chaotic Disaster’ -- US News and World Report
Obama says coronavirus response has been a ‘chaotic disaster,' blames ‘selfish’ mindset -- FOX News
Obama says White House response to coronavirus has been 'absolute chaotic disaster' -- CNN


Anonymous said...

Obama just got implicated the the Flynn set up and therefore the russia hoax that enabled spying on the Trump administration. He is manually turning the spot light away from him.

RussInSoCal said...

Obama is desperate to distract the news cycle because eyes are beginning to turn to him as the ringleader of the Russia fraud. Which there is no doubt that he was. So let's bash Trump and make some quick fake news.

Obama has been applauded and worshiped for every non-accomplishment of his entire carefully constructed, pampered life. Where every mediocrity is celebrated and every failure is a success. Even given a worthless nobel peace prize on the come - for having done nothing. Then proceeded to do exactly the opposite of its citation.

Obama is a joke. A corrupt clown. An empty-suited imbecile. The single most destructive president the US has ever had. What he did with regard to "Russia-gate" makes what Nixon did look like shoplifting.

The truth is coming out and at just the right time. So I'll enjoy watching Obama spew spittle over Trump. Join the club, fool.

The "Obama Legacy" is a septic tank. Hopefully the nation can cleans itself of it.

Layguy said...

Manchurian Candidate much?

Anonymous said...

The betting money is that Biden gets replaced by the Democrat Party, which would be unfortunate, because the MSM would run enough puff pieces and get Democrat (?) elected, before any real truth about the candidate sinks in.

We'll get anywhere from the usual Democrat nostrums to wide open borders and socialism f we get a Dem president.

However, with over a dozen Democrats running Obama did not select one to drag across the finishing line. He did not have the juice, did not like the candidates or both. When Obama procrastinated long enough that there was a fait accompli, he finally belatedly endorsed Joe Biden only to have it blow up in his face with Tara Reid.

On top of that Obama is losing on Flynn and collusion. He felt it necessary to speak out. The Democrats put Flynn on Death Ground. They expected him not to fight back? The have not read "The Art of War" or read it and did not understand it. All the gains Flynn has just made can be erased with the election of another crook Democrat. So watch for Flynn to keep on fighting. Watch for the Democrat appointed judge to keep delaying court proceedings hoping to get past election day. The judge is engaged in FABIAN TACTICS. Emmet G. Sullivan needs to be impeached.

Did Flynn plead guilty? He did. This is like an Alford plea. Flynn was broke. The Fed prosecutors work for a government that can print money. The Hillary prosecutors promised to do to his son what they did to him.

Some of these prosecutors had been involved in the Steven. Hastert cases. Those cases were thrown out by SCOTUS and the prosecutors were never prosecuted.

Democrats are on the phone email or visiting Emmet in person now to get him to keep on persecuting Flynn. This will go on to the election. If a Democrat wins, they will reopen the prosecution. So Flynn has to keep on fighting.

Flynn was stupid enough to go to a Washington DC law firm that had Eric Holder a partner. They smiled as they took his money.

So Obama had to speak out to jeep whatever pressure eh can on the Flynn case and Russian collusion. Maybe Obama knows the names of the prostitutes?

Obama has to speak up to cover his tracks on his poor performance with H1N1.

And that poor son of a bitch better hope that this cold snap is not a precursor to a cool summer. If it is, Obama will look even more stupid.

War News Updates Editor said...

I am reading these comments after I have just posted a commentary on why former President Obama is now getting publicly involved in the 2020 election cycle.
So yes. Deflection is why the former President decided at this moment in time to jump in.