Thursday, May 21, 2020

Is Canada 'Bowing' To China

People hold signs calling for China to release Canadian detainees Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig during a court appearance by Huawei’s financial chief, Meng Wanzhou, outside the B.C. Supreme Court building in Vancouver on May 8, 2019. Lindsey Wasson/Reuters

Derek H. Burney, National Post: It's hard for Canada to stand up to China while it's bowing

The litany of apologies and obsequiousness by Canada is one that only a lickspittle would salute.

Canada seems to be adopting a “see no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil” attitude on relations with China. The question is, to what end? Is it because of our overweening desire to win a two-year seat on the UN Security Council — a prize of dubious distinction given the unremarkable track record of the council in recent years that has featured more gridlock than action due to the chronic conflict between the veto-carrying Russia and China and most of the others. Should we win a seat, what would Canada do on a controversy which divides the two authoritarian powers from our allies — the U.S., the U.K. and France, among others? Abstain, a weaselly option used occasionally in the past by Canadian governments on biased resolutions directed at Israel?

We are presumably currying not only China’s vote but also China’s influence on several African states that have received generous dollops of economic assistance from Beijing. It is demeaning to wheedle this way for support in any circumstance.

The second motivation cited is that Canada does not want to jeopardize the fate of the two Michaels (Kovrig and Spavor) who were essentially kidnapped and have held in stark detention for more than 500 days in retaliation for Canada’s intention to extradite to the U.S. Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the founder of Huawei, in accordance with the terms of our bilateral extradition treaty with the Americans.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Truly unbelievable. The sad part of this Canadian effort to "accommodate" China is that I know they will not succeed. As I stated in this 2016 commentary, China does not respect Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and this is why .... China's Foreign Minister Demanded A Meeting With Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau (And He Got It!!!!) (June 3, 2016). You can take this to the bank, when China's leadership does not respect you, you will never get anything from them (unless you give them something big).

Update: This is another reason why the Canada government under Trudeau do not want to aggravate ties with China .... Former Canadian Ambassador Urges China To Ease Up On Trudeau As The Best Way Of Keeping The Liberals In Power (July 11, 2019).


Anonymous said...

The bigger question is this: why
What do they have on him or threaten him with? All our leaders seem to cave. Despite that the Chinese devastated our economies, killed scores and on top insulted us.
I hope Trudeau grows a spine and quickly otherwise I consider it high treason

Anonymous said...

Trudeau is very happening. He has all the latest accessories, such embroidered knee pads made with cloth of gold. When you can afford such high end accessories, "You Da Man!"

Anonymous said...

WNU's post of June 3, 2016 is a keeper.

It might be common knowledge and good practice, but those seem to be in short supply.

Anonymous said...

China is working assiduously to paralyze America's allies in the face of a US-China military confrontation. Europe is already paralyzed and can't act against China. Australia and Japan are still hanging tough. Canada's appeasement can't hold though, too much to loose in North American trade. Of course all this depends upon a Trump win in November.
Beijing Biden ain't paralyzed at all, he's Beijing's man in the Presidential contest.

Jac said...

I suspect corruption which is the usual way of China...and may be "embarrassing" things for Trudeau.

RussInSoCal said...

Extremely disappointing and sad. From Europe to Canada to Asia to Africa, countries seem to be "bowing to China". Even recent polls in the US indicate that Joe Biden would have a far better China policy than Trump. Which is depressing to say the least.

Every world leader and every multinational corporation is infected by the Chinese arm of money, influence and corruption. The Biden Family is a case on point. They are sold out, bought and paid for by China. Yet Biden is the man to deal with them? Give me a break.

These polls and this behavior makes absolutely no sense to me. If the US does indeed make the tragic mistake of installing Biden into office, we will see our freedoms simply evaporate. As they have been for the last 9 weeks. We will have a US administration completely under China's thumb.

The erosion of our industrial base and our freedoms will continue. The corruption, censorship and autocratic elitism will increase. Until we complete the transformation into a Chinese surveillance slave state.

And we'll find ourselves there with a whimper not a bang.



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