Monday, May 11, 2020

Is China Trying To Calm Nationalist Calls To Invade Taiwan?

SCMP: China tries to calm ‘nationalist fever’ as calls for invasion of Taiwan grow

* Loud calls on social media urge Beijing to strike while world is busy with coronavirus crisis, but observers say the authorities do not want to be rushed
* A recent article in an influential Communist Party journal drew on parallels with the 17th century conquest of the island to highlight need for patience

Beijing is trying to calm rising nationalist sentiment after a growing chorus of voices called for China to take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic by invading Taiwan.

A number of commentators on social media have called for the island to be reunified by force – something Beijing has never ruled out – but some analysts say the authorities want to play a longer game and are now trying to cool the “nationalist fever”.

An article published earlier in the month in the magazine of the Central Party School, which trains senior officials, drew historical parallels with the Qing dynasty’s conquest of the island in the 17th century to highlight the importance of patience and careful planning.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Chinese authorities are permitting these calls to invade Taiwan to be publicly posted and published. They are not trying to calm them down. There is also a very real perception among many in the Chinese government that now is the time to seize Taiwan .... Time may be ripe for China to invade Taiwan (Bertil Lintner, Asia Times). There are also some who have doubts .... China hawk describes invasion of Taiwan as too costly (Taiwan News). As to what is my take. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be a military would be costly and a geopolitical disaster for Beijing. Total sanctions will be imposed on China, and it will be ostracized by many major governments for at least two decades if not more.


Anonymous said...

Total annihilation

B.Poster said...

Before COVID-19 I would have suggested that protecting a small country like Taiwan simply wouldn't be worth alienating a major world power such as China. Think "real politik."

"Total sanctions will be imposed on China...." In light of the COVID-19 situation this may indeed be the case. This is truly a "black swan." Pre COVID-19 the risk of alienating China likely would have been to great for anyone to get involved in assisting Taiwan.

G said...

Gona raise Hell

G said...

China government fools

Anonymous said...

It would be even more of a disaster if they couldn't take Taiwan. A Chinese move against Taiwan would be crossing one of the ultimate red lines. As stated at first if they try it they had better accomplish it and accomplish it quickly.

Anonymous said...

Win or lose this would be a great lose of face for Xi. The ramifications would be huge and I suspect long lasting.