Monday, May 11, 2020

China Bans Fishing In The South China Sea Resulting In Multiple Protests From Neighbouring Countries

Fishing boats are berthed at the Chinese part of Sanya in the southern province of Hainan at the start of the summer ban. Photo: Xinhua

SCMP: Beijing's South China Sea fishing ban threatens to raise tensions

* Fishing groups in Vietnam and the Philippines have urged their governments to take firm measures to resist ban, which is intended to preserve fish stocks
* Observers warn that food shortages caused by Covid-19 outbreak will increase risk of confrontation as countries move to protect domestic supplies

Tensions are expected to rise in the South China Sea after Beijing’s annual summer ban on fishing in the disputed waters drew protests from rival claimants.

China said it would prohibit fishing activities in the waters Beijing has claimed above the 12th parallel – including areas near the Scarborough Shoal, the Paracel Islands, and the Gulf of Tonkin – to conserve stocks.

The ban, which came into effect from noon on May 1 runs until August 16 and China’s coastguard has promised to take the “strictest measures” to stop any “illegal fishing activities”.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: One more reason why China's neighbours are getting fed-up with Beijing.

More News On China Banning Fishing In The South China Sea

South China Sea crisis: Fury as China enforce fishing lockdown with 'strictest measures' -- Express
Vietnam protests Beijing's 'unilateral fishing ban' in South China Sea -- Nikkei Asian Review
Vietnam rejects China's fishing ban in disputed waters -- Straits Times/Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

From the post, it's not clear if Chinese fishing vessels will also be banned. If so, then this is a conservation issue, and it would behoove the neighbouring countries to impose their own bans to preserve future fishing, while in no way abandoning their own claims to the area. If the ban only applies to non-Chinese vessels, then let's hope the neighbours, plus the USN, get together to rein in the bullies.

Anonymous said...

Law is not always about right and wrong. It is about procedure and precedent and force.

It is said that possession is nine tenths of the law. China has possession. If a fishing moratorium goers on for 2 decades, China would have precedent.

Would you die for The Phillipines right to fish the South China Sea, if they haven't fished there in a generation?

History shows us that the Boston Brahmins sent their sons to fight in the Civil war. Boston was a hotbed of abolition. After 4 years of carnage, the Brahmins were not so keen for a repeat. They walked the walk and then lost their stomach for it. They walked the walk so they were pretty good people. But note they did not want to do it a second time.

Being a hawk is a dirty word in America. The Alphabet news media and liberal newspapers have made it so. Let's suppose that you are a hawk, because you are realist and do not believe in unicorn farts powering the world and other liberal nonsense. Suppose that you want to help Vietnam or the Phillipines. When the liberals are right in that short period twice a day and agree with you, do you really want to go to war with the "Army that you have" ?

I told mine that have to sign up for the Selective Service "No." I told them if there is general war, right or wrong, to wait. Let the military throw off the liberal shackles of stupid ROE, under funding, bans on landmines (& other stuff), poor training, and other stuff. After that is done, then volunteer, but not before.

Anonymous said...

here we go.
the biggest ad sponsor of CNN is now telling the world (which it first sickened with the WUHAN virus) to starve to death