Friday, May 1, 2020

Is Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Campaign Over After Today's MSNBC Interview?

WNU Editor: The complete interview is above. As to whether or not his campaign is cooked .... you be the judge (see below).


Anonymous said...

The dementia defense is a no brainer on this one...

Anonymous said...

If his campaign is over, it’s happening much too early to help Trump. I wonder who it does help this soon before the convention.

RussInSoCal said...

Hillary is up there hovering like a vulture just waiting to swoop in and save the Dem party.


B.Poster said...

They could bring Bernie back. The Democrats stole the nomination from him twice. So I don't think they're bringing him back. HRC is in poor health and isn't any smarter than Biden and she couldn't win against an abrasive candidate when she had every advantage imaginable. So it's not likely to be her.

I'm thinking Michelle Obama. She meets the criteria of being a person of color and a woman. Those qualities superceded almost anything the American people look for. Americans want this do badly that the candidate would be embraced unless she's brain dead or exudes pure evil in public. She has the advantage of being married to BHO. Asuch, the Obama's have vast goodwill built up as America's first African Amerucan family. If the election were held today, she'd likely win in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones seemingly hasn’t been doing so well lately. Things are so tough that he has pivoted to talking about his imminent cannibalism, and how he will kill and eat his neighbors.

“You think I like sizing up my neighbor, how I’m gonna haul him up by a chain? Chop his ass up? I’ll do it. My children aren’t going hungry,” Jones said on a recent episode of his live streamed radio show. He reiterated how he’s ready to resort to cannibalism several times. “I’ll admit it. I will eat my neighbors … I’m just gonna be honest … I’m literally looking at my neighbors now going ‘Am I ready to hang them up and gut them and skin them and chop them up?' and you know what, I’m ready … I’ll eat my neighbors ... I’ll eat your ass, I will,” he added, nodding.

The cannibalism clip is a stark reminder of how far Jones has fallen and what Jones always was—a doomsday carnival barker selling outrage to the gullible who, briefly, amassed an outsized amount of cultural cache.

Anonymous said...

Years after women first came forward to accuse then-presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual assault or harassment, the issue is once again at the forefront of political discourse after another 26 incidents of "unwanted sexual contact" and 43 instances of inappropriate behaviour were detailed in a new book.

The book, All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator, draws on over 100 interviews — many exclusive — and adds to a list of nearly two dozen women who had previously accused him of sexual assault or misconduct.

The allegations were noted in an excerpt of the book published in Esquire, including a new interview with Karen Johnson, who said she was touched in an unwanted manner by mr Trump at a New Year's Eve part in the early 2000s.

"When he says that thing, 'Grab them by the pussy,' that hits me hard because when he grabbed me and pulled me into the tapestry, that's where he grabbed me — he grabbed me there in my front and pulled me in," Ms Johnson said.

The accusations comes more than two years after the MeToo movement prompted women to come forward to accuse powerful men in entertainment and media of sexual assault or harassment. As those accusations surfaced, reports indicated that the president had sought to backtrack from his apology over the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he made vulgar comments about women. He also reportedly told aides that it wasn’t him in that video. He has also previously denied assaulting anyone or kissing anyone without consent.

But, the man on the bus who laughed along with Mr Trump in that tape, Billy Bush, pushed back on Mr Trump’s denials. Bush said that it most certainly was the man who would later become president speaking in the video.

Anonymous said...

The real question would be: Did he have a campaign to start with?

Hans Persson said...

hehe "no brainer"

Anonymous said...

he top spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services repeatedly directed crude and sexist comments toward women in now-deleted tweets, a CNN KFile review finds.
Michael Caputo, who just started at the department in April, called several women on Twitter "dogface" and made crude insinuations and sexist comments aimed at former FBI attorney Lisa Page prior to joining HHS.
KFile reviewed several thousand deleted tweets from Caputo in 2019 and 2020, which were available on the Internet Archive's "The Wayback Machine." The review also turned up additional offensive tweets from Caputo aimed at prominent public figures.
New HHS spokesman made racist comments about Chinese people in now-deleted tweets
Caputo, a fierce loyalist to President Donald Trump, worked on the President's 2016 campaign as an adviser and surrogate. He regularly deletes his tweets and erased nearly his entire Twitter history prior to April 12. The New York Republican political operative was appointed as assistant secretary for public affairs at HHS on April 15.
The prominent communications position puts Caputo in a central role in coordinating the federal government's message on the coronavirus pandemic. CNN is publishing his deleted tweets to give a full picture of Caputo's views.
CNN previously reported that in other tweets, Caputo made racist and derogatory comments about Chinese people, said Democrats wanted the coronavirus to kill millions of people and accused the media of intentionally creating panic around the pandemic to hurt Trump.

RussInSoCal said...

No matter if its RBF Michelle or the brain-dead Biden, the swamp creatures who will populate their cabinet and court appointments will be the same. The disastrous domestic and foreign policy follies will be identical and the wave of joy in China, Iran, Russia, etc. will be loud and clear.

But only of the Democrats can find another way to destroy the economy before election day.

Anonymous said...

The cut and past monkey was here at 3:@8 trying to deflect. Not much output from the money today. It is to busy looking for NSFW stuff for its collection.


Anonymous said...

It would take an idiot to compare a department spox person to a presidential candidate.

That is like comparing a king to a lesser baron or a knight.

Here is the thing. You throw so much shit and chaff up, which has to be refuted answered or beat down. If we miss something. That is on you, you Fumb ______.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — A sexual assault allegation against his Democratic challenger is offering President Donald Trump with a new message for women voters: Joe Biden is just as bad as I am.

Trump is accused of rape and is fighting attempts to force him turn over a DNA sample. Two dozen other women have accused him of varying degrees of sexual assault and misconduct. He was caught on tape bragging that his celebrity allowed him to do the precise thing that Biden is accused of.

Nevertheless, his aides have latched on to onetime staffer Tara Reade’s accusation that Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, pushing her up against a wall and penetrating her with his fingers. “Believe all women means all women — you don’t get to choose,” White House adviser Kellyanne Conway told Fox News Friday.

The Trump camp’s strategy, despite the obvious hypocrisy, is transparent, said political consultants from both parties.

“They are pushing her story relentlessly and the targets are young people, progressives and women,” said David Axelrod, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. “They don’t expect to win these voters. No one who shuns Biden because of Tara Reade is likely to flock to Trump, given his sordid history. They simply want to depress Biden’s numbers. In a marginal race, even a few votes shaved off his total in some closely contested states can make a difference.”

Tim Miller, a Republican consultant and Trump critic, said the attacks are also designed to give moderate Republicans an excuse to vote for Trump. “Give people who know deep down that Trump is bad a ‘but’ talking point. Absolve themselves of responsibility for Trump’s manifest immortality and unfitness,” Miller said. “Everything they do is about muddying the waters.”

K said...

I agree b

Anonymous said...

You got to wonder about the scruples of a person, Mt. Bold Font, that every day, year after year makes out like he's the next Hugh Hefner.

He says they are free pictures. They may be.

But how does he know the ages of the girls or if they are sex trafficked?

His fave is Eastern European and Ukrainian girls. there is a lot of sex trafficking going on there.

So is he aiding and abetting it?

Anonymous said...

Why is it okay for a 21 year old to get a prostitute and then complain, when someone else gets one?

RussInSoCal said...

Biden mentioned transcripts of his conversations with Vladimir Putin.

We definitely need to see those.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo is willing and able to step in

Amp1776 said...

Of course not. The left just has more grime that wont wash out.

Anonymous said...

sure: when we see tax retujrtns and college grades for Trump

Mike Feldhake said...
