Saturday, May 2, 2020

Is This The State Of New York City Today?

WNU Editor: New York City has had its ups and downs for almost three centuries. It is definitely experiencing a "down" period right now.


B.Poster said...

I'm surprised it took them this long to figure out they needed to clean the Subways. Any pathogen thrives in unclean areas. There's thus far been nothing about this government's actions that indicate they truly believe this is a real problem. There actions suggest a power grab with COVID-19 as the ruse.

copley7 said...

I patrolled the Brooklyn subways in the late 1970's before I wised up and joined the Army. After retiring went into Corporate security.

This is an unbelievable photograph. Leave it to Far LEFT Loons like Cuomo and Deblasio and AOC and crowd to permit this in the name of social justice.

NYC and its environs are dead for a generation. There's no Giuliani, Bratton, Bloomberg or Ray kelly to fix it. Get out while you can, no one knows or cares aenough about taxpayers who live there to fix it. You vote for LIBTARDS, this what you get. Vote for Biden, this will be America in by 2022.

Anonymous said...

"This is an unbelievable photograph. Leave it to Far LEFT Loons like Cuomo and Deblasio and AOC and crowd to permit this in the name of social justice."

The post by copley7 is keeper.

The title for for a PSA Would by "This is your City on Socialism." It would be like the 1980's PSA "This is your brain on drugs."

Rc21 said...

If you want to know why COVID19 hammered NYC it’s the subways, never shut down, zero social distancing.