Monday, May 11, 2020

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 11, 2020

US Department of Defense: Leaders Chart the Course as U.S. Space Force Launches

Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett and Space Force Gen. John W. Raymond cast some light on the previously classified missions of America's reusable space plane, the X-37B.

The two spoke today during a webinar hosted by the Space Foundation. They updated the audience on the progress the U.S. Space Force has made.

The two showed a recruiting video about the Space Force, and in it Barrett revealed that one part of the presentation showed the X-37B's return to Earth. The X-37B is an unmanned space plane boosted into orbit by a rocket and gliding to Earth like the space shuttle. Built by Boeing, the craft has completed five missions with a total of 2,865 days on orbit, Barrett said.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 7, 2020

Esper: Pentagon ready for any new wave of coronavirus -- AP

Navy adapts maintenance procedures, strategies for containing COVID-19 -- UPI

Chief of Naval Operations quarantined; head of National Guard tests positive for COVID-19 -- Task & Purpose

Virus hospitalization is new barrier to military enlistment -- AP

Army solicits bids for wearable technology to detect COVID-19 -- UPI

The 8 Most Original Military Tech Ideas for the Fight Against COVID-19 --

The Army is tripling the power of one of its vehicle-mounted laser systems -- Task & Purpose

Levelling Up: US Soldiers Play Russian Simulator Videogame to Gain Skills Amid Lockdown -- Sputnik

Everything You Need to Know About the Air Force's New F-15EX --

Rocket Report: Military space plane returns to pad, SLS engine costs soar -- Ars Technica

Supply Chain Unchained: How GE Aviation Is Helping the Air Force Sustain the Fleet -- Air Force Magazine

US Navy flaunts aircraft carrier strength after COVID-19 knocked one out for more than a month -- Business Insider

The US Navy just picked a builder for its new frigate, but there may already be a problem ahead -- Business Insider

U.S. Navy wants to buy as many as 30 of a new class of Light Amphibious Warships -- Navy Recognition

More future Navy SEALs resume war preparations following COVID-19 pause -- FOX News/Warrior Maven

Former USS Theodore Roosevelt captain Brett Crozier leaves Guam for new Navy assignment in California after being stripped of carrier's command for raising the alarm about coronavirus outbreak -- Daily Mail

Navy secretary nominee slams service’s ‘failure of leadership’ -- Politico

Navy nominee: Service is in rough waters, cites leadership -- AP

Esper escalates war of words with Warren, Democratic senators -- The Hill

Senate confirms Trump's counterintelligence chief after nearly 2-year limbo -- Politico

Top career intelligence official departs ODNI -- Politico

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works demos autonomous reconnaissance pod -- Flight Global

Navy ships head into South China Sea to counter Beijing ‘bullying’ -- Navy Times

ISIS exploits COVID-19 with little success, US troop deployments to Iraq on track despite pandemic -- Military Times

Trump administration approves $2.3B helicopter deal for Egypt, $556M in vehicles for UAE -- The Hill

‘US should reduce military aid to Egypt’, report says -- Middle East Monitor

US pulls anti-missile systems from Saudi Arabia amid dispute -- AP

Turkey says it is still delivering parts for U.S. F-35 jets -- Reuters

Germany needs armed drones for military: govt adviser -- DW

Canadian military postpones, curtails numerous overseas missions due to COVID-19 -- National Post/Canadian Press

Russian Arctic military exercise draws awe and concern -- CBC

Russian Armed Forces May Get First Next-Generation S-500 Missile Systems in 2021 -- Sputnik

From Kinzhal Missiles to Su-57 Fighters: Sneak Peek of Victory Day Aerial Parade Over Moscow -- Sputnik

Putin bans Russian military from carrying phones, other electronic devices, report says -- FOX News

Mystery Artillery Drone Spotted During Victory Day Parade in Belarus – Video -- Sputnik

Coronavirus spares China’s armed forces but disrupts PLA modernisation plans -- SCMP

US-China tensions in South China Sea fuelled by increase in military operations -- SCMP

China ‘won’t win more respect’ if it answers calls to expand nuclear arsenal, analyst says -- SCMP

Japan's 6th Generation Stealth Fighter Is Going To Blow The F-35 Away -- National Interest

India, Japan Postpone Fighter Jet Exercise Despite Rising Activities of China in Indo-Pacific -- Sputnik

Greece and Israel deal spotlight leasing model for military UAVs -- Defense News


Anonymous said...

We should NOT export the worst of mankind.
Space should NOT be a war fighting domain.
This is wrong.

Anonymous said...

If you have 2 people, you have economics

If you have 3 people, you have politics.

War is part of the spectrum of politics.

There will be war in space. Wherever you go, there you are.

You have to change people, but people are people whether they are of simian ancestry or have 8 tentacles. Let that sink in. A Cathar or Bogomil might have a better shot at not having war in space.

If you are a guy going through grade, middle and high school you saw bullies do what they do. Bully people. If the bully was not an alpha male, you did not see them bully an alpha male. There was no percentage. If you are a beta male and take stock of the bully's genetic endowment and yours, you might realize that you cannot outclass the bully physically. But you do realize that you can bulk up enough to make it not worth the bully's time.

There is an American saying in school

"You might get supper, but I will get lunch."

It means you know that you would lose the fight, but the other person will be hurt enough, that it is not worth their time, too much pain or the next person will be able to take them.

It is a counter threat and it works. But for it to work you have to have enough credible force. You cannot be a toothpick.

If you do not want war in space, you have to have a credible counter force. Not necessarily the biggest or the best, but credible.

Anonymous said...

That's not my argument.
My argument is we should not export the worst of mankind and declare all of space a warfighting domain. Are there no limits we can impose? Let's keep our worst to this solar system and not go beyond until we've matured enough and left war behind

Anonymous said...

" until we've matured enough and left war behind"

"Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late."

Thomas Sowell

You can only impose limits by (a) moral authority and (b) by force. Perhaps by social contract. The social contractors want to abide by the social contract, because they have see what came before sort of like the Peace of Westphalia. They did not give upon war, but they did give up on total war ... for awhile (about 3 centuries). If the contract is broken, then (a) did not work and you are back to (b).

In a family (a) is your mother. (b) is your father. After being out and about in the world and/or meeting (b), (a)'s moral authority works, because it would be stupid to ignore it, you respect what they have done for you, you appreciate square deals, ...