Wednesday, May 27, 2020

President Trump Threatens To Regulate Social Media

Daily Mail: Donald Trump threatens to 'strongly regulate or close' social media for trying to 'silence conservative voices' after Twitter fact-checks two of his 'misleading' tweets

* President Donald Trump warned Wednesday morning that his administration will begin to regulate and shut down social media sites – like Twitter and Facebook
* He tweeted that the GOP feels these sites 'totally silence conservatives voices'
* 'We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen,' the president asserted
* The assertion came as Twitter flagged two of the president's tweets about mail-in ballots as 'misleading' on Tuesday
* Trump claimed Twitter is 'stifling free speech' and accused it of interfering with the 2020 Presidential election
* 'I, as President, will not allow it to happen!' he threatened on Tuesday
* Trump has continued to allege that widespread voter fraud would occur if states sent all Americans mail-in ballots
* Trump mailed in his ballot to vote in Florida last month
* Twitter said Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud were 'unsubstantiated,' as there's 'no evidence' mailed ballots would lead to fraud

Donald Trump demanded Wednesday that social media platforms 'clean up your act' as he warned his administration will begin to regulate and even shutter such websites after Twitter, for the first time ever, fact-checked his tweets.

He lamented in the Twitter thread that conservatives are being silenced and disproportionately regulated on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook as Twitter issued 'misleading' warning labels on two of his tweets about mail-in voting this week.

'Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen,' the president posted to his Twitter Wednesday morning. 'We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can't let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.'

Read more ....

Update #1: Twitter's fact-check label prompts Trump threat to shut down social media companies (Reuters)
Update #2: Trump threatens social media after Twitter fact-checks him (AP)

WNU Editor: I doubt that the President will get anywhere if he decides to regulate social media(which I doubt). This is the person who is probably Twitter's POTUS fact-checker .... Who checks Twitter's POTUS fact-checker? Biased head of Twitter's 'Site Integrity' has previously called the President 'a racist tangerine', the administration 'Nazis' and compared Kellyanne to Joseph Goebbels (Daily Mail). Below are some of his tweets ....


Anonymous said...

You can have

1,500 Russian students attend Kremlin Cadet Bal


Yoel Roth & Jared Yates Sexton.

Is there much of a choice?

Anonymous said...

Jared Yates Sexton

When you looked at him did the gaydar go off?

He claims he is not gay. We shall see.

39 and unmarried? Or confirmed bachelor?

Hard to find out. However, he is heavily touted in the gay press.

Grennells are few and far in between.

4. Roth’s Ph.D. Dealt With the ‘Intersection of Technology & Sexuality’

On a tangent

Intersection? The Left borrows the term intersection from geometry to try to look smart?

When you see the word intersection bandied about you know that you are going to be propagandized and dumbed down.

DinoB325 said...

No, no liberal bias in the media

Anonymous said...

He can not legally do that. What does he know? nothing

Anonymous said...


Actually he can. He is charge of the DOJ. He can sue.

Social Media has been playing a 2-faced game. They have pretended to be utilities so as to not be governed by Federal law, Then they exercise editorial content. Social media has to pick a lane and stay in it.

They did not. SO here come the law suits (DOJ/president), investigations(DOJ/president) and laws (passed by Congress).

Do you know nothing or are you playing dumb?