Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

IMO the Reuters tweet about Corona is no good. No self respecting engineer would report it like a journalism school misanthrope would.

NY Nursing Homes Can FINALLY Turn Away COVID-Positive Patients, Must Report Staff Cases

In the US 39% of All US COVID-19 Deaths — or 31,900 — Occurred in Nursing Homes

Pick a group of five 22 y/o engineering grads and they would do a better job at solving corona than a veteran hereditary politician like Cuomo or reporting than any five 22 y/o J school grads.

Anonymous said...

“Straightforward from here:* President Trump has to self-quarantine due to possible exposure to coronavirus, can’t fulfill duties of presidency in quarantine, steps down.* VP Pence has to self-quarantine, can’t fulfill duties of vice presidency, steps down.* President Pelosi”

- Bill Kristol

This shows why Never Trumpers are pieces of shit.

Bill Kristol, a conservative or Republican?

Anonymous said...

Clinton Campaign Attorney Mark Elias Admitted in Testimony He Sent the Bill from Fusion GPS for Dossier Directly to Campaign Manager Robbie Mook

The Steele Dossier on which the impeachment was built was a Clinton paid document.

Doesn't mean that it is not true, but none of it ever panned out. We still do not know the name of the 2 Russian prostitutes. Chrissy Steele sings a different song to the courts than he sings to the press.

According to the Steele Dossier penned by Chrissy Steele Trump literally eats shit. That was in the dossier. That certainly is salacious, so how come it was not widely reported?

How come Democrats and other demons did not promote that part of the dossier? Would the public then have questioned the rest of the dossier/hit job more?

Anonymous said...

Here is Elias’s testimony where he admits Hillary’s Campaign Manager Robbie Mook was sent the bill for the Fusion GPS dossier!

"This is amazing. Not only did Podesta admit the Clinton Campaign split the bill for the dossier with the DNC.

But now we have the Clinton attorney admitting he sent the bill to Clinton Campaign Manager Robbie Mook!"