Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Two Different Narratives On A Rocket Attack In Afghanistan

DNYUZ: A Rocket Attack. Two Narratives. This Is What Happened.

When 16 rockets were fired at a small American base in southern Afghanistan last fall, the Taliban trumpeted the attack as a blood bath, claiming they had killed “tens” of Americans. The U.S.-led mission in Kabul downplayed it. The insurgents were lying, an American military spokesman said on Twitter; there were no coalition casualties. The rockets were inaccurate and injured two Afghan civilians, he said.

As has occurred in past conflicting accounts about fighting in Afghanistan, both the Taliban and the American military statements were not true. Eleven people, including nine Americans, were wounded on the base in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand Province, during the attack on Oct. 22. The rockets were accurate enough, having been fired from roughly 300 feet away, slamming into two guard posts, the American barracks and an Afghan police compound nearby, starting a fire in a shipping container.

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WNU Editor: Truth is always a casualty of war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Do not know what it means.