Thursday, May 28, 2020

Two Dozen North Korean Bankers Charged In $2.5 Billion Money-Laundering Scheme To Support The Nuclear Program

CNN: More than two dozen North Korean bankers charged in $2.5 billion money-laundering scheme

The US Justice Department on Thursday unsealed criminal charges against more than two dozen North Korean bankers, alleging they were behind an international money laundering scheme that moved some $2.5 billion in violation of US sanctions.

Twenty-eight North Korean nationals face a slew of charges related to bank fraud, money laundering and criminal enterprises, in what appears to be the first case brought against members of the North Korean financial system.

The 50-page indictment, which was signed in February and unsealed Thursday morning in Washington, DC, federal court, details a web of front companies and "cover branches" of a state-sponsored bank that were stood up in foreign countries, including China and Russia to help skirt international restricts on the regime's ability to spend globally. Five Chinese nationals also were charged.

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More News On The U.S. Charging Two Dozen North Korean Bankers For A $2.5 Billion Money-Laundering Scheme To Support The Nuclear Program

US charges North Koreans in $2.5B sanctions-busting scheme -- AP
U.S. indicts North Koreans, accuses state-owned bank of evading sanctions -- Reuters
U.S. brings massive N. Korean sanctions case, targeting state-owned bank and former government officials -- Washington Post
North Koreans Accused of Laundering $2.5 Billion for Nuclear Program -- NYTimes
Chinese, North Korean individuals charged in scheme to illegally divert funds to Pyongyang nuclear program -- FOX News
North Korean bank officials charged by US in sanctions case: AP -- The Hill
US Indicts North Korean, Chinese Nationals in $2.5 Billion Scheme Tied to Nuke Program -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Jac said...

What can we expect from a rogue regime?