Thursday, May 28, 2020

U.S. And Russia Conducted Their First 'Joint Patrol' In Syria

Anadolu Agency: US, Russia conduct first joint patrol in Syria

US, Russian armored military vehicles met for joint patrols in Deir Gusun village, sources say.


The US and Russia conducted on Wednesday their first joint patrols in al-Hasakah, a Syrian province under the YPG/PKK occupation, local sources said.

The US and Russian armored military vehicles met for joint patrols in Deir Gusun village, near the Turkish border, according to the sources.

Col. Myles B. Caggins, a spokesman for the US-led coalition against Daesh/ISIS terror group, said it was not a joint patrol but it was probably intended to prevent overlapping of patrols.

Caggins did not deny that the countries had a joint activity.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I would not say it was a joint patrol. More like being in the same place at the same time, and making sure that no one gets in anyone's way.


Anonymous said...

In other Russian News

What is Russia Doing Sending Warplanes to Libya?

"Anton Mardasov of the Middle East Institute suggested that it is premature to suggest Russia is planning to a Syria-style intervention in Libya. Nonetheless, he said Moscow would like to “make up for the investments it lost as a result of the Gaddafi regime’s downfall in 2011” and retain leverage over what comes next for the country.

Libya—which Gazzini described as a “free-for-all”—offers the opportunistic Putin a chance to frustrate U.S. strategy, and exploit a key foreign policy failing of President Barack Obama’s administration."

Wait ...What!?

I though Libya was an example of O'Bumbles Smart Power?

Obama came
Obama Saw
Obama smashed a country to pieces!

His acolytes called that smart diplomacy.

B.Poster said...

It looks like a good start!! A joint patrol would probably be to much to expect at this point but baby steps in the right direction are always good. I expect the media to react hysterically against any cooperation with Russia. Oh wait they are busy with coronavirus scare and race baiting with regards to Minneapolis. There's probably not much time to for them to focus on this.

Jac said...

Well, at least Russia and US are talking with each other.