Monday, May 11, 2020

U.S. - China Tensions In The South China Sea Continues

The US Navy conducted four freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea in the first four months of 2020. Photo: AFP

SCMP: US-China tensions in South China Sea fuelled by increase in military operations

* US aircraft have carried out 39 flights over waters near China – two of them close to Hong Kong – since start of the year, while navy has also ramped up its activity
* US defence secretary says he wants to boost investment in region

The United States has ramped up its military operations in waters close to China this year as the risk of confrontation between the two nations continues to grow.

So far this year, aircraft from the US armed forces have conducted 39 flights over the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea and the Taiwan Strait – more than three times the number carried out in the equivalent period of 2019.

Two of the flights passed closed to Hong Kong, a rare move that indicated their proximity to mainland China.

Meanwhile, the US Navy conducted four freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea in the first four months of the year – compared with just eight for the whole of 2019 – with the latest on April 29, as guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill sailed through the Spratly Islands chain.

Read more ....

Update: US Deploys B-1Bs, Warships In South China Sea As China Nationalists Call For Invasion Of Taiwan (Zero Hedge)
Update #2: Recent developments surrounding the South China Sea (AP)

WNU Editor: Even with this US presence, the Chinese government is still going to do what the Chinese government wants to do .... China’s South China Sea plan unfolds regardless of coronavirus (Quartz).

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