Saturday, June 20, 2020

Another Night Of Statue Toppling In The U.S.

WNU Editor: This is just a fraction of what has been happening since yesterday.


copley7 said...

This entire situation is going to end badly.

Anonymous said...

So I listen to these whiner liberals and looked up Francis Scott Key again.

He was a good guy. He was a mixed bag, but head limited experience. He freed slaves, defended slaves in court. True he thought blacks were inferior. One reason was that he saw the Second Corps of the Colonial Marines—a British military corp in action. One might look into how much training they had. If they did not have much training and performed poorly that is expected. A person could logically say that Mr. Key formed the incorrect opinion.

If Key had the benefit of another 200 years hindsight like people living today, he would be better than 90% of them.

As it was Africans in Africa were still practising slavery big time.

Condemnation of people of the past not being perfect is very limited, which tells you it is more about power than ethics.

RussInSoCal said...

There’s no negotiating with Marists. You have to defeat them. But so far there is no will to do so.

It’s difficult to organize opposition to these vandals when most of the population is both content and ignorant of history. Same goes for fomenting a cultural revolution.

The Soviets, Chinese, Cubans and N. Vietnamese, pretty much sponsored and guided the riots and the "protests" in the late 60's early 70's. They were successful because the population was destitute already.

Here/now in the US it’s just more violent notion of “Hope & Change. It falls deaf on a nation that’s already prosperous.

That’s problem now is we sit passively as mobs destroy our history.

The only way it will stop is when (not if) elite Leftists themselves are dirtied with it.

Like #METOO. It went “poof” as soon as Biden was accused of it.