Friday, June 12, 2020

CENTCOM Commander Says Killing of Soleimani Has Deterred Iran

CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

VOA: US General: Killing of Soleimani Has Deterred Iran

WASHINGTON - The January killing of powerful Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq has resulted in a new reality in which Iran is deterred from attacking American assets and those of its allies in the Middle East, said the top U.S. commander in the region.

“I think [killing Soleimani] has had a significant effect in establishing and reestablishing a rough form of deterrence in the theater,” said General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., the commander of United States Central Command (CENTCOM) on Wednesday during a webinar at the Middle East Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran Has Backed Off of Challenging US Since Soleimani Killing, General Says --
Update #2: 10 takeaways from US CENTCOM’s McKenzie discussing the Middle East -- Jerusalem Post

WNU Editor: I do not think the killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani has deterred Iran. I think it is other factors like the pandemic, sanctions, and a depressed economy that are influencing Iran's foreign policy. Case in point. They are now having trouble paying off the their militias in Iraq .... Cash-strapped Iran struggles to maintain sway over Iraq militias (Al Jazeera).


B.Poster said...

Of course the killing of Salami (I refuse to refer to him by name) has deterred Jran in the sense that it has hampered their ability to attack.

I know from direct and indirect experience that when an organization loses a key member suddenly and unexpectedly the ability of the organization to operate at the previous level will be adversely impacted for between 3 to 12 months assuming the organization survives which they almost always do. In the case of Iran, I'd err on the side of three months so I would assume they've fully recovered from that loss but it did "deter" them.

Score one for the general!! He got one right!! Their track record lately isn't exactly stellar.

Iran has very powerful friends. I'd be skeptical of reports that suggest sanctions are having much of an impact or that they are cash strapped. I tend to view this as misdirection. Sun Tzu taught when you are strong, appear weak.

Anonymous said...

Is he sure or is he going to do the Milley Vanilley?

B.Poster said...

Anon (2:41PM),

I think it all depends on what his bosses at ANTIFA and Black Lives Mattrr tell him to do.

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