Friday, June 12, 2020

Russian Special Forces Are Using Western Equipment

Most of the equipment of this Russian 'Vympel' special forces diver can be identified as Western. In some cases equipment may be Russian copies of Western designs. H I Sutton (Inserts Russian MOD, Vitaly V. Kuzmin)

Forbes: Image Shows Russian Special Forces Using Western Equipment

Russia’s famous Spetsnaz special forces have a long and proud tradition. Until recently their unit identity was wrapped up in distinctly Russian clothing and equipment. The camouflage schemes, load carrying ‘webbing’ and helmets were instantly recognizable. That was up until recently. Today they are looking increasingly Western and wear kit from countries including America, France and Italy.

The above image shows a Russian ‘Vympel’ dive team member wearing the latest gear. Vympel is one of the leading FSB (Federal Security Service - the modern day KGB) special forces units. The only part of the equipment that is recognizable as Russian, aside from the Velcro flag patch on his American helmet, is is weapon. The magazines in his chest pouches reveal that he would be carrying a Viyaz-SN submachine gun. This is a 9mm weapon based on the famous Kalashnikov family of weapons.

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WNU Editor: I have been noticing this trend for the past two years. For example. When I posted this tweet (below), I had to look closely on who is the U.S. soldier, and who is the Russian officer. The soldier on the right is the U.S. officer.


Anonymous said...

On Putin's desk to his left side is a Dell monitor. In front of him a Samsung flat screen. Just saying

B.Poster said...

As to the term "epic" to describe the photo, I think it is a bit premature. If we are able to end Cold War 2 via peaceful means, then this is a start and the photo could one day be said to be "epic" or even "iconic."

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