Thursday, June 4, 2020

China Is Showing Off Its Military Hardware Along Its Border With India (Update)

Business Insider/SCMP: China is showing off its military hardware during its latest border showdown with India

* The deployment of Chinese advanced weapon systems is meant to show India what the Chinese military's capabilities are, one expert says.
* Ongoing friction between the two countries along a disputed stretch of their western border echoes another serious confrontation in Doklam, a disputed portion on the eastern edge of that border, in 2017.

The latest tensions between China and India have further fuelled both countries' build-up of troops and weapons to assert territorial claims at their disputed border areas, with China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) stepping up advanced arms testing and training at high altitude.

There has been no official confirmation of the numbers of troops each nation has deployed, but reports have suggested that the PLA has sent multiple advanced weapon systems and refitted fighter jets for operation in high altitude areas of the Tibetan plateau.

The Indian army, too, has moved several battalions from an infantry division usually based in the Ladakh city of Leh, near the border, to "operational alert areas" along the frontier, and reinforcement troops have been brought in.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Both India and China are not interested in outside mediation .... China, India unlikely to turn to the U.S. for mediation over border tensions (CNBC).

Update: Both sides will be talking this Saturday .... India to bring specific proposals to military talks with China on Saturday: Sources (PTI).

More News On Tensions Along The China - India Border

Indian defense minister says there have been 'significant' Chinese troop movements amid border tensions -- CNN
Chinese Troops Carry Out Infiltration Drills in Tibet Amid India Border Dispute -- Sputnik
Security agencies submit detailed report on Chinese buildup in Ladakh to govt -- ANI
India And China Clash As Decoupling Risk Grows -- Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes


Jac said...

With all the foreign problems China has, I have a hard time to understand its strategy.

Aragon said...

If u need a general Jerusalem knows where it is

Aragon said...

This is good

Aragon said...

The scouts are king you fools