Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Coup Rumours Continue To Spread In Brazil

DNYUZ: Brazil Coup: Threats Rattle Bolsonaro as Coronavirus Deaths Surge

The threats are swirling around the president: Deaths from the virus in Brazil each day are now the highest in the world. Investors are fleeing the country. The president, his sons and his allies are under investigation. His election could even be overturned.

The crisis has grown so intense that some of the most powerful military figures in Brazil are warning of instability — sending shudders that they could take over and dismantle Latin America’s largest democracy.

But far from denouncing the idea, President Jair Bolsonaro’s inner circle seems to be clamoring for the military to step into the fray. In fact, one of the president’s sons, a congressman who has praised the country’s former military dictatorship, said a similar institutional break was inevitable.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I doubt that the Brazilian military, or any military in the world, wants to assume power while this pandemic is rampaging the world. But what I do know is that this pandemic has clearly unnerved Brazil. According to John Hopkins University, there are currently 740,000 cases and 38,500 deaths there are no signs that Brazil is close to reaching a plateau.

Update: Coronavirus: Brazil resumes publishing Covid-19 data after court ruling (Brazil).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"there are currently 740,000 cases and 38,500 deaths there are no signs that Brazil is close to reaching a plateau." - WNU

38,500 deaths? And? The US has 110,000.

Brasil has 210 million citizens
USA has 330 million citizens and liberal invited illegals

"Deaths from the virus in Brazil each day are now the highest in the world." DNYUZ

a) Perhaps because in the US they have gone down, because it was hit sooner?

b) China lied about its stats

c) We are talking about raw number not per capita. Once again we have a lying bullshit press full of whores and con men, who switch between raw numbers and statistics when it suits their narrative. Wouldn't you expect Brasil to have more case than a smaller country like Belgium?

Any characterization of the deaths?

In the US 40% or more were in nursing homes. In the US the Democrat governors (NY, NJ & PA) FORCED nursing homes to take COVID patients.


"Exit polls show that in 2012, 56% of voters age 65 and over voted for Republican candidate Mitt Romney"

"Voters age 65 and over are the group most likely to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump"

"Older Americans are more likely to be white and they’re also more likely to be religious (Protestant or Catholic in particular) – and both of those demographic groups also tend to vote Republican"

So Democrat governors have a motive.

Sending people sick with corona is the means.

The pandemic is the Opportunity (crisis to good to go to waste).

Motive, Means & Opportunity.

Democrats are sick.