Friday, June 5, 2020

Do Americans Want To Defund The Police?

The Hill: Protesters' demands to 'defund the police' take hold

Local lawmakers consider reallocating funds toward community-building efforts.

* Protests across the country are calling for change after George Floyd was killed during an arrest by Minneapolis police.
* One of their demands is the demilitarization and defunding of police departments.
* A number of local and state governments have said they will reconsider their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year.

In protests against police brutality and George Floyd’s death, demonstrators have cried, “defund the police.” The idea isn’t new, but the increased support for cutting police department budgets is.

While the coronavirus pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the economy and government resources, police departments have largely been spared from proposed cuts in post-pandemic budgets, reported Fast Company, which looked at budget proposals in major cities across the country. In fact, cities including Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Washington, D.C., are considering increasing the budget of their police departments while cutting elsewhere.

Read more ....

Update #1: Movement to defund police gains 'unprecedented' support across US (The Guardian)
Update #2: Some call for fewer police, even as streets erupt (Axios)

WNU Editor: This is insane. I have been in countries where the police are under-funded or non-existent. Take it from me. You do not want to live in those places.

Update: President Trump is wading in ....


Anonymous said...

Defund and take away their firearms.

Nice to see the Buffalo PD shoving elderly people and having the sidewalk conveniently crack their skull open. See, they don't even need guns.

Cops are out of control.

Anonymous said...

We don't need police! The mobs tearing people out of their homes and robbing them blind every night will protect the people from... the mob..

Mike Feldhake said...

Just think about the idea they have cake up with. How with a straight face can you even fathom it? No police, that’s means anarchy which is what they want. LOL, these dem cities are going to crash in front of us. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Anonymous said...


The 75 yrs old man should be charged with interfering with police.

What did that reject from the 1960s expect to accomplish?

Act as a reporter or beard the lion?

If that hippie lived another 75 years he won't be one wit smarter.

What is the point of him getting video other than to prove he is brave? I bet that guy if he went to Yellowstone would ask his kids to reach out and touch the bull buffalo to get a better more realistic shot.

People are casually WALKING UP TO COPS AND STABBING THEM. COPS are being shot. Cops are being run over. Antifa is dropping off rocks. Antifa trains people for years like the military trains soldiers. Liberal lawyers are handing out molotov cocktails like it was Halloween and getting bailed out by Obama alumni. If people can get PTSD from watching the news, then the cops surely have it.

Some people on both side have it, so why is this 75 yo dick walking up to the cops. If they were currently taking someone down and using excessive force, ya he should dare and try to get within 15 or 20 feet and record for posterity. But Dick wanted video to prove to the other aging hippies that he still has it.

I bet it comes out that he was a hippie in the 60s.

ASn another thing

"conveniently crack their skull open."


"suffered from a laceration and a possible concussion"

You see any brains? Why didn't you say they head stomped him until his head was red pulp. You have been inflammatory so far. Why not go all the way?

Wait, head stomping is a marxist Democrat Party thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Question: Washington Compost, a former newspaper, creates and HEAVILY advertises it police shooting data base.

Why doesn't it do the same with police who are killed in the line of duty?

People, might get a whole picture.

The Police union head in NYC was absolutely raw when the talk ed to reporters form the hospital. Two policemen had been shot and 1 stabbed. You could hear it in his voice.

What I have learned from marriage is that well people are people. There are variations due to ethnicity, but basically the rules of psychology apply. The parameters might be set a little higher or lower on a sliding scale, but every parameter is there.

These idiots, who might split a nail on a bad day working at a desk in the governor or mayor's office, want robots. Well people are not robots. Through training, threats and inducements you might shift the parameter settings a little higher or a little lower, but you are never going to get an unthinking, unfeeling cop that takes everything thrown at it and just smiles. It is not possible. Nature does not work that way.

If you cannot set a parameter to 0 or to a 100 and have it stay there, then why are you surprised that this happens?

Another thing. What do generals know that mayors and other people, who took shit majors, do not know? Generals rotate troops from the line to the rear for R&R. Why don't mayors rotate cops instead of running on shoe string budgets?

Why can't a beat cop be rotated to Public affair officer (PAO) for 2 years? Does a PAO have the same stress as a beat cop. When was the last time a PAO had the eat the shit that a beat cop does. A PAO knows they are going to retire in one piece and never have to worry about IA or coming back home.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. We should start in a mid size western Canadian city. Then take a poll a month later on the effectiveness.

Anonymous said...

A mid-sized Japanese, Chinese, or Swedish city could go awhile without many problems.

With migrants from the country side the Chinese society might not do so good.

The Swedish city would have done well, but after Merkel's Götterdämmerung of 2015 not so much.

So odds on favorite is the Japanese.

Canada was much cleaner than the US in the 1990s, but liberals have been busy ass fucking Canada.

Anonymous said...

It could work...if everyone is allowed a gun like what you saw Couer d'Alene, Idaho. About 100 townspeople were on the streets carrying their rifles and handguns when they heard Antifa was coming their way to stir up trouble.

RussInSoCal said...

If only the Republicans could be so lucky as to have the Dems put "The Purge" as their centerpiece campaign platform.

Its already underway in Los Angeles - Mayor Garcetti is stripping $150M from the LAPD next fiscal year. Says he's going to, "reinvest in education, health and healing for people of color". NYC, MPLS are making the same noise.

No police and no guns for the population. /That's a winner. You could actually see inner city warlords pop up. Only the most violent would survive.

In other districts, a firearm shopping spree the likes of which never seen.

Biden's now in a pinch. If he doesn't select an anti-police, female BLM Marxist for his running mate he'll be labeled a racist. If he does select one, she will dominate his campaign and scare the Hell out of the majority of the country.

Anonymous said...

Kamala filled the jails with Black People. Trump let them out.

I love seeing Democrats with problems