Thursday, June 11, 2020

FBI Intelligence Bulletin Says White Supremacists And Racist Terrorists Pose Greatest Risk Of Violence

Demonstrators start a fire as they protest the death of George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, near the White House in Washington. Alex Brandon/AP Photo

New York Post: White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence, FBI warns

White supremacists and racist domestic terrorists pose the largest threat of violence in the United States amid nationwide protests across the country, according to a new intelligence bulletin.

The bulletin — which was sent to local law enforcement by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center and reported by ABC News — warns of threats by left-wing and anarchist groups as well.

But it barely mentions Antifa as a potential violent group — though federal lawmakers have called for the loosely affiliated movement to be labeled a terror group amid nationwide protests against police brutality.

Read more ....

Update: Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa' (ABC News)

WNU Editor: Antifa was only mentioned as a footnote in this FBI bulletin. After 10 days of riots and looting by Antifa, BLM supporters, etc. .... they only get a footnote. What a joke.


Anonymous said...

Liberals are infantile.

Race relations are easy.

It is as easy as "Do you want a beer" and they don't drink beer

PCU shows you the lighter side of the nuttiness of liberal wingnuts. The darker side is much more horrifying.

Anonymous said...

White supremacists just sounds so much scarier, especially if Don Lemon says it over and over and over again. Or when Van Jones says white people have a racist virus and should be cured. BOTH still on air. BOTH still receiving paychecks. ONE of the friends with Jessie Smollet who faked a race crime by putting a noose around his neck and in effect asking for a salary increase. VICTIMHOOD pays. Big time. Just look at CNN. All victims. Anderson Cooper is so fragile and gay if you look at him it's a hate crime already. Don Lemon is so full of himself, disagreeing with him is a hate crime. Amanpour. Dumb as rocks, but that accent -- if you don't believe the stupid things she utters, you are a sexist, my friend. And on and on. In a few decades - hopefully after half the crew at CNN did the honorable thing to do - just ask honorable Japanese what they would do if they misled and failed their homeland - historians will look at this mess they and MSNBC caused. The media elite. Who cost us trillions already, and counting, Made our lives miserable. Almost took all our rights, from free speech, to due process, to bearing of arms. Almost got us locked in, weakening our immune systems, telling us to stay home and shut up, unless its about racism of course, when one man of the right color is being killed. Not if thousands or tens of thousands of white man die of the opoid crisis for being forgotten. No one cares if you are not a protected class. Ideally, black, female, transgender or gay.

Anonymous said...

I agree 8:51. Don Lemon is a known quantity, an asshole. The only unknown thing is his spin. Is he a top or is he a bottom?

Anonymous said...

The FBI is no longer an impartial law enforcement organization. A congressional committee needs to be formed to examine this and recommend the firing of all leftest elements in the FBI

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