Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Former Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen Says President Trump's Orders Cannot Be Trusted

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Retired Admiral Mike Mullen warned of the military being 'co-opted for political purposes' Tuesday

Daily Mail: Former chairman of the joint chiefs Mike Mullen excoriates Donald Trump saying his orders cannot be trusted, warning president will 'politicize' the troops and saying: 'Citizens are not the enemy'

* Mullen writes it is 'impossible' for him to remain silent
* Says he was 'sickened' by use of National Guard to clear protesters for Trump bible-holding event
* Wrote he is 'deeply worried that as they execute their orders, the members of our military will be co-opted for political purposes'
* Doubted the soundness of Donald Trump's orders

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen broke his silence Tuesday to say he was 'sickened' by the use of U.S. National Guard forces to push protesters out of Lafayette park to make way for President Trump's photo-op.

'I am deeply worried that as they execute their orders, the members of our military will be co-opted for political purposes,' Mullen warned.

'I have to date been reticent to speak out on issues surrounding President Trump's leadership, but we are at an inflection point, and the events of the past few weeks have made it impossible to remain silent,' Milley wrote in the Atlantic.

Read more ....

Update #1: Former Joint Chiefs chairman rips Trump's threat of military force: 'Our fellow citizens are not the enemy' (CNN)
Update #2: Ex-Joint Chiefs chair 'sickened' by action against DC protesters, says not 'appropriate' to call in military (FOX News)

WNU Editor: Former Chariman of the Joints Chief of Staff commentary is here .... I Cannot Remain Silent (The Atlantic). He is wrong about President Trump crossing Lafayette Square to visit St. John's Church a day after it was firebombed. Failure to show up would have sent a terrible message to everyone in the U.S., and in the world. His remarks on not trusting President Trump's orders is laughable. Former Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen is the person who pushed President Obama to deploy 100,000 troops to fight the Afghan war. A quagmire that we are only getting out of now.


copley7 said...

Yes, another Obama loser. Politicized and pretty useless guy, considering he ok'd and Obama really didn't support it. I have allot veteran students still paying the mental and physical price of that F'ed up operation.

Anonymous said...

I am looking to verify Fleet Admiral Mikey Mullen's accusations.

Specifically I am looking to see in National Guard troops were used at Lafayette Park to clear the way.

I already know that every Left leaning news organization lied about the the tear gas. Al Reuters showed police without gas masks in their 'reporting.' Generally, when you are using gas, it is a good idea to have a gas mask. Maybe journalists do not know this.

If that was wrong what else was wrong?

Doe Mikey know WTF he is babbling about?

They must be laughing their asses off in Murmask, Saint Perterburg, Sevestapol, and Vladivostok.

Anonymous said...

“We also know that police discovered stashes of weapons like glass bottles, baseball bats, and metal poles hidden nearby, which are indeed strange items to have on hand for a ‘peaceful’ protest.” - Murtaugh

Mike Feldhake said...

Why even post this crap story here ....BAIT!!

Anonymous said...

We get this shit from Reason magazine.

"On Monday, President Trump left the White House, walked across Lafayette Park—where rioters burned a public restroom the night before—and posed in front of St. John's Episcopal Church while holding a Bible. This photo op was made possible by U.S. Park Police, who cleared overwhelmingly peaceful protesters from the area using aggressive crowd control tactics." - Robby Soave

Notice how reason Robby uses the weasel word "overwhelmingly".

On September 5, 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme pointed a M1911 pistol at President Ford.
The crowd that day was overwhlemingly peaceful.

Trump had to go there.

- The church suffered fire damage from arson.
- The NYT and other yellow journalism concerns fecklessly alleged that Trump was a coward hiding in the basement.
- One of the security gates of the White House was torched

FUCK the Washington Post

B.Poster said...

Part of the reason that Trump was elected was to purge people like Mullen who had caused us so much grief due to their poor decisions. So, if there is a disagreement between him and Trump, I will go with Trump's judgement over his. Besides the park police have stated that the area was cleared because they were attacking cops and Trump's actions had nothing to do with it. This wouldn't be the first nor is it likely to be the last time that the media gets ahead of themselves on a report without bothering to gather and assimilate all of the relevant facts.

Anonymous said...

Trolls keep trolling

jimbrown said...

Democrat shocked by Trump. News at 11.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing of Mullen but his name and high rank. But his comments are pathetic and unbecoming of a military person of his rank. Obviously looking for some political position.
He is already scratched off my list.

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