Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Gallup: President Trump Job Approval Slides To 39%

Gallup: Trump Job Approval Slides to 39%

* First time under 40% for Donald Trump since October
* Approval down among all party groups
* Trump approval ratings for handling issues also down sharply

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's job approval rating has fallen to 39% amid nationwide protests about racial injustice. His ratings this year had been the best of his presidency but are now back near his term average of 40%.

The latest reading is from a May 28-June 4 poll, conducted as protests occurred throughout the country after the May 25 death of George Floyd. Floyd, a black Minneapolis man, died in police custody after a white officer pressed his knee on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes.

Trump's comments and actions in response to the protests last week, including a vow to send U.S. military troops to cities to quell violent protests, were controversial. The administration was widely criticized after police in Washington, D.C., used chemical irritants to disperse peaceful protestors from an area shortly before the president posed for photos in front of a nearby church.

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Update: Trump job approval rating plunges 10 points in a month: Gallup (The Hill)

WNU Editor: The only saving grace for President Trump in this poll is that the public is souring on all politicians regardless of party affiliation, Trump included.


Anonymous said...

Emails Released by FBI Last Friday Show Obama’s Ben Rhodes and Jake Sullivan Bragging “We’re Liars” and “Lying Masterminds”

Trump's poll numbers should be 80% or 90%. Thank to people like Ben Rhodes, who criminally lied about Russian collusion. it is not.

Follow this with the Corona Hoax and and Antifa/BLM uprising, this is why it is 39%.

Corona is a hoax. It is a real virus and a real disease, but it was purposefully mismanaged with economic suicide and geronticide by Democrats.

Anitfa was started in German in the aftermath of WW1. By 1932 it was financially supported by Moscow. Antifa uses violent means. That would qualify it as a domestic enemy. But armchair generals like Mattis, Esper, Mullen and others absolutely will not fight back. They betray their oath of office. They are scum.

Anonymous said...

More than 1,250 former Justice Dept. workers call for internal watchdog to probe Barr role in clearing demonstrators from Lafayette Square

Anonymous said...

500 secretaries, 300 janitors, 400 interns, 49 DOJ lawyers & Democrat bundlers dialed it in from The Villages, and Eric Holder?

DOJ # of employees = 113,114

1,250/113,114 = 1.1%

Not hard to come up with 1,250 Democrats who retired in the last 4 years who have worked for the DOJ for any length of time?

When the Climate Alarmists gave the 97% figure, they included lab techs and other people.

You know that win you use the BIG # arguments you are suing the same argument that Hitler used against Einstein. Small minds think alike, huh.

The story is that Einstein was shown a German newspaper that claimed "One hundred German physicists claim Einsteins theory of relativity is wrong."

Einsteins reply was supposedly, "If I were wrong, it would only take one."

2:47 you are truly a moron. I hope you haven't bred.

Anonymous said...

39% lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

Enough evidence that he can’t govern.

Anonymous said...

You keep believing that! Lololololo!

Anonymous said...

If he cannot govern than why the Russian hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the Democrat mandated shutdown.

If you were so sure of yourself, you would just given him rope and let him run with it.

Anonymous said...

another lying poll? sure

Anonymous said...

No one said this particular poll was a lie. What has been said is that many pollsters lie.

It is a pity that you cannot face the truth.

Anonymous said...

39%, the truth! Lololololo!