Saturday, June 20, 2020

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns The European Union Is Facing Its Deepest Recession Since World War II

The Hill: German Chancellor Merkel warns EU of deepest recession since World War II

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that the European Union is approaching their deepest recession since World War II.

“The pandemic shows us how vulnerable Europe is,” Merkel told the European Union on Thursday, the Financial Times reported. “Therefore I want to stress to you that cohesion and solidarity in Europe were never as important as they are today.”

Read more ....

Update: Angela Merkel fears economic crisis is being underestimated in EU (The Guardian)

WNU Editor: The problem for most European countries is that they are already experiencing unsustainable debt levels. She can talk all that she wants on European unity, but most European countries do not have the financial resources to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Merkel is just holding the bag. She did not create German prosperity (Businesses/Society did) and she really does not know how it was created. She has hurt German business and society with her energy, defense, and immigration policies.

It is like she is riding in the driver's seat of a Tesla. She isn't really driving and when she needs to or has to drive, everyone finds out she can talk a good game, but she is a terrible driver.

At least she got the numbers up. Crime is up. Energy prices are up.

B.Poster said...

The recession is thanks to the ridiculous response to COVID-19. The wound is entirely self inflicted.

European unity was never going to be Radley anyway. The various nation states have wildly divergent interests which make it impossible for this to work long term. When the EU experiment finally does die, good riddance to it!!

Jac said...

European have to look deeply on how the structure of Europe is made. But they will not. This absurd construction will broke sooner or later. The executive branch is not elected, the parliament vote the budget...just for information. Each state has an embassy in the other's one, Europe has no seat in the UN and France is the only one which is has a permanent seat in the Security Council. Let alone a European Military when one country (France) has a nuclear weapon and doesn't want to share it. Cherry on top of the cake: countries which are not respecting the European Treaties are not punished. Good luck Angela!

B.Poster said...

I meant "reality" not Radley." I apologize for the typo.