Thursday, June 4, 2020

Has The Pentagon Gone Rogue?

A soldier keeps watch at the Lincoln Memorial as thousands of peaceful demonstrators were met with a huge military presence Wednesday following a week of tenses clashes in the capital

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Generals WIN battle with Donald Trump as 82nd Airborne soldiers are REMOVED from D.C. after chairman of joint chiefs publicly slammed president telling troops to 'uphold the Constitution'

* Soldiers with the 82nd Airborne division of the Army were ordered out of Washington, D.C. and back to Fort Bragg, North Carolina on Thursday night
* The about 200 active duty troops were kept on standby at bases near the nation's capital and were never called into the city in the midst of riots
* The move is a clear reversal after Donald Trump faced backlash for calling in the military to serve as backup should the National Guard need assistance
* Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, former Army General John Allen and former Defense Secretary James Mattis all pushed back against Trump
* Milley told troops in a Thursday memo to 'uphold the Constitution'
* 'We all committed our lives to the idea that is America' after he defended protesters' right to assemble,' he added in pen at at the bottom of the letter
* Mattis and retired four-star General Allen both bashed Trump in separate op-eds
* They specifically called out police clearing Lafayette Park with tear gas and rubber bullets so Trump could visit a church across the street for a photo-op
* 'It may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment,' Allen said of the church visit where Trump held up his bible for photos
* 'Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people - does not even pretend to try,' Mattis wrote

Hundreds of combat soldiers with the 82nd Airborne were ordered to leave Washington, D.C, Thursday after retired generals and the nation's top officer rebuked Donald Trump over his use of the military.

Members of the elite unit had been deployed to the nation's capital to back up National Guard soldiers ordered onto the streets by Attorney General Bill Barr in a show of force.

The active duty soldiers will head back to base in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, a senior Defense official told NBC News, after Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley publicly told the nation's troops to 'uphold the Constitution' and said that the National Guard was under governors' control - pointedly not the president's.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Daily Mail is giving the Generals too much credit. Correction. Too much credit. These troops may be leaving for a simpler reason .... like maybe the threat is no longer there .... Trump: 'I don't think we'll have to' send military to cities (The Hill).

Update: Maybe this redeployment is premature .... As White House braces for largest protest yet, Pentagon sends troops home (McClatchy News).


Anonymous said...

The generals don't want another Penn State shooting incident. They would rather American cities burn and police get overwhelmed than get any negative press.

B.Poster said...

So they're cowards then. Avoiding "negative press" is more important to them than defending the lives and property of the American people. If so, they all need to go.

As Secretary of Defense Esper has stated he does not support invoking the Insurrection Act "now" and says it should only be in used in extreme circumstances. He and POTUS appear to be on the same page here. It does beg the question though if not "now" we have to be getting very close to the extreme circumstances that would warrant this.

If POTUS concludes now is the time to invoke this act, I would probably support his judgement. If the military commanders can't or won't follow the orders of thr duly elected Commander in Chief, then they need to resign. POTUS is elected to make decisions like this. The generals and others were not. Without civilian control of the military then we would seem to have little more than a military dictatorship.

RussInSoCal said...

It was done in L.A in 1992 when the the Rodney King riots happened. Also during the Katrina aftermath in 2005. If there's been a good reason for the InsurrectionAact in the last ten years, this is it.

This is all simple political backstabbing.

We have total civilian control of the military. All these generals need to be fired and disciplined.

/Don't they have Civics 101 at Hudson High?

Anonymous said...

Awww....Russ won't get to see his fellow citizens gunned down by sky troopers.

You're sad now, but this too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

"Awww....Russ won't get to see his fellow citizens gunned down by sky troopers.

You're sad now, but this too shall pass"

What happened at Kent State. Some spoiled adults from a higher socio-economic background whop were 20 or 21 years of average where throwing rocks at young adults 19 years of age.

Last I checked rocks were weapons of war. Just because you are a pud who can;t break 20 mph when throwing a baseball doesn't mean people out there cannot throw rocks or bricks 40 to 90 mph.

Antifa have been dropping off bricks to be used as weapons.

It is no use to talk to you about kinetic energy, because you never took physics and you are an all around dolt that would simper, if you met face to face.

Mike Feldhake said...

These generals should just the F up, they have no business talking politics, just more Media madness. We should burn down those media temples!

Anonymous said...

You're still a loser.

Anonymous said...

We should burn a few of them down just to keep them honest. There is no other way for them to respect our right unless we occasionally trample their rights when the trample our rights.

We just do not bail these fuckers out. Some or many will go bankrupt. Newspapers are asking for bailout money because of corona.

Do not bail them out. Let them fail. Then we can snap them up and make them into museum with interpretive kiosks that teach future children of the villainy of the liberal press.

Anonymous said...

Interesting proposals, anon 9:15AM. Especially your last.