Friday, June 5, 2020

How Police Officers Should Not Behave

NBC: Buffalo police officers suspended after video shows them shoving 75-year-old at protest

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said he was "deeply disturbed" by the video of a 75-year-old man being knocked to the ground during a protest.

Two Buffalo police officers were suspended without pay Thursday after a video showed authorities knocking down a 75-year-old man during a protest, Mayor Byron Brown said.

In a statement, Brown said the suspension came after the city’s police commissioner launched an investigation into the incident. Brown did not identify the officers.

Brown said he was "deeply disturbed" by the video, which was published by the local National Public Radio affiliate, WBFO.

The man, who has not been publicly identified, is in serious but stable condition at a local hospital, Brown said.

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WNU Editor: The curfew was starting, and it looks like the 75-year-old man was trying to block the police with his right hand. Not a smart thing to do. But what was even beyond stupid was the reaction of two police officers who pushed him down. I will not be surprised if they are fired after a review. They may even be facing charges.


Anonymous said...

Could have been as simple as this. You state the curfew was starting.What if my house is right over there.I'm just going home.Really not enough context to tell what happened.But they didn't even stop to talk to the old man. How do you know what's going on until you have a conversation.

B.Poster said...

Definitely not good!! This does seem to be very isolated incident though. For the most part police are trying their utmost to protect protesters even to the extent of erring on the side of allowing the wanton destruction of property. These officers will face justice which will include jail time, any medical needs this man has will be taken care of top notch by the cities, and he and his family will receive a settlement from the city in the millions. So, at the risk sounding callous, I am not worried about justice being served in this case. I do pray this man is okay and fully recovers. If he's not, the police will face murder charges.

Unfortunately I do not envision those who have been murdered or had their businesses or homes destroyed by these rioters ever receiving justice, at least not in the short to mid term. I do think in a moral universe there will be justice for them someday.

If he's blocking police from doing their jobs, then he has to be removed. Surely there must be a less forceful method to do it in this case.

War News Updates Editor said...

B. Poster.
Yes. There has to be a less forceful method to treat someone like him.
But Anon 11:07 is right. We are making a judgment based on a 30 second video. We need more information.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact: Police officers have forums. Yes, they really do. They talk about the job on those forums.

They have running totals of the police officers assaulted, spit on, stabbed, shot, and ran over.

The Washington Post runs one body count. The police in their forums run another body count. Truth be told, the press never really try to understand the latter body count. Occasionally, they will print the latter body count. But they really do not think deeply about it or for long. The way the press treats it, show that academic electives in American universities are a sad joke.

I am getting angry. Just think how the cops are. I read about Floyd George they were discussing among themselves on how to keep him alive. The radio show host (not Rush) commented that it would be hard to get murder charge. He said manslaughter charges would be easy but murder would be hard.

I am very angry at George Floyd. He had to pass the bogus $20 to feed his kids, because the last $20 he had he spent on drugs for himself. Very selfless of him to feed his drug habit before feeding his kids. Very liberal.

The police should have never arrested George Floyd. They should have let Floyd beat the shit out of the clerk, who probably is a minority. They should have shown up said "Fuck it" and

Would Floyd have beaten up the clerk? He is a very big man on drugs willing to commit crimes.

We could give the clerk condolences such as "Welcome to America. Suck it up buttercup. You ain't black (black enough) like FLoyd.

Do we doubt that Floyd would go Gentle Giant on the clerk? Floyd's brother called him a Gentle Giant. We have seen video of what Gentle Giants do to clerks.

Watch Michael Brown go "Gentle Giant" on a Muslim of color at 1:30

Gentle Giant is code/a dog whistle meaning it is okay for a black person to assault you so long as they do not put you in the hospital or head stomp you.

Anonymous said...

In this video, it appears the man jabbed at the officer' chest and the officer pushed him away, he fell and hit his head. But already the media have edited out that portion of video and only show officer pushing back. Looks like fellow officers are staging a walk out to support this officer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

конечно, ты не волнуешься о том, что справедливость восторжествовала, ты сосешь петух, русский тролль ... мы все мудры к тебе, ублюдок

copley7 said...

The entire unit quit, all 57 officers, 2 cops suspended. If they fire them they will screw the city to the wall. Unions will crush Buffalo, a city thats a sh#hole to begin with. Rememeber th Baltimore 6 from 2015. They are all cops again. City forced to rehire them with all back pay and benefits. And who knows what the settlements were.

The complete video is 100 plus seconds long. This fool runs through the cops and gets pushed away, falls and hits his head. Blood is pooling and cops walk by. Finally someone was taking care of him. The video just looks so bad. The baby boomer hippie protester who is reliving his 60's stoner protest days is recovering.

Anonymous said...


They fool was pushed backwards and he stumbled. The cops did not mean for him to fall.

I looked at his age and subtracted 50 years. That would make hion 25 and it would be the 60s. It fit.

I totally agree. He is in all likelihood

The baby boomer hippie protester who is reliving his 60's stoner protest days

After ;pplomg at the viedo again, do you notice how tall he is compared to the cops. This is a physically big man use to getting his way. He found out finally that he couldn't/

I hope the Left keeps digging a hole and makes him a hero, We will find out more about him and it won't be pretty.

Local talk show host is in his 60s. Not much younger than Mr Hippie protester. He has had 2 heart attacks. so he is somewhat fragile Still a big guy but more fragile than he was 5 years ago. He was just so frustrated with the loony hippie.

Anonymous said...

That 75 year old man was velites and he knew it. He knew his job was to slow, to impede, or to get the camera shot.

Still can't get over how big that guy is, He is a whole head taller than the cops.

Usually sociologist or anthropologists would take that height differential as indication of class or socio-economic status.

White privilege is that dumb ass 75 year old thinking he can do anything.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Martin Gugino is a complete and utter jerk.

He is the type of jerk who votes pleads, protests ... to release POWs, if they do not have a trial and then will not let himself be held accountable when they go back to the battlefield and kill more American, women, children etc.

Thee is nothing to like about the man.