Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Is America At A Crossroads?

WNU Editor: I have seen my fair share of revolutions around the world in my lifetime. The U.S. is still far away from that type of unrest. But as I had mentioned a few days ago. These type of events do not happen in a healthy country. There are many in the U.S. who are not happy with their country, and some are now targeting the people who make the country work. The small entrepreneurs, shop-owners, institutions of government, etc.. The damage from all of this destruction is going to run deep, and it is going to last a long time. Will the leaders in the U.S. be held accountable? You can take this to the bank. Many of them will be.


Anonymous said...

I would like to agree, WNU, but in reflection I am not so sure the dithering mayors of the impacted cities will pay a price.
I'm of the opinion that their indecisiveness will be overlooked as a result of the modest level of awareness and existing mindset of many in this country. I also feel the facts do not matter as much as I would have thought years ago. There seems to be more emotion behind this situation than insight and understanding of one's fellow citizens.
I'm beginning to consider the impact of the support behind the scene; Antifa springs to mind as does the election of a less than impressive person of little accomplishment prior to his election with the name of obamma.
Hope? Hope is nor more a solution than the ethical bankruptcy displayed by the looters.

Anonymous said...

Ferguson: Started with a black man, Michael Brown, assaulting a Muslim store clerk.

Minneapolis: Started when a black man, George Floyd, passed phony $20 to a store clerk.

QUESTION Was the store clerk Muslim.

Anywhere, USA: Black man(?) gets into altercation with Muslim store clerk at liquor store and got laid out.

Is there a fucking pattern here?

Police should hang back and not do anything.

The problem is liberal Black leaders and the Democrat Party.

Trump had the economy going great with nearly full employment and rising wages.

What African-American is going to hassle a clerk or steal blunts or liquor if they have a good paycheck? What White person would? Answer: Statistically zero.

But if there is 1 in 20 years, you can bet the Democrat race baiters will be there like stink on shit.

Amp1776 said...
