Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is U.S. Senator Kamala Harris The Top Contender For Biden's Vice President?

Former Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris gesture on the second night of the second 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential debate in Detroit, Michigan, July 31, 2019. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo

France 24: Kamala Harris advances as top contender for Biden's Vice President

Amid the nationwide protests over racism and police brutality, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris may have found the powerful and lasting moment that eluded her failed presidential bid but could now land her the No. 2 spot on the Democratic ticket.

Harris, the only black woman serving in the U.S. Senate, has marched in the streets and sponsored new police reform legislation on Capitol Hill. She has been a forceful proponent of sweeping social change and a fierce critic of President Donald Trump.

The 55-year-old senator from California also has become a key ally for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, poised to challenge the Republican president in the Nov. 3 U.S. election, at a time when race has been thrust to the forefront of the campaign.

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Update: Here’s Why Betting Markets Pick Kamala Harris To Become Biden’s VP (Forbes)

WNU Editor: It appears that she is now one of the top choices. She is raising a lot of money for the Biden campaign .... Biden raises $3.5M in fundraiser with Kamala Harris (FOX News), and many in the Democrat Party want her on the VP ticket .... Kamala Harris’ prospects improve as Joe Biden searches for a running mate (LA Times). But will she be a good VP candidate? I am not sure. Just watch Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) at the 3:45 mark of the video below tear into Sen. Kamala Harris' record when she served as an attorney general and district attorney during the CNN Democrat debate last July. Senator Harris campaign never recovered from that exchange. Bottom line. If Senator Harris wants the job, she will need to address her history.


RussInSoCal said...

I honestly have no idea what the BM Marxists think of Kamala Harris. Hopefully they hate her prodigious pot prosecuting guts.

Anonymous said...

On the one hand, Tulsi has more sex appeal and would make a better candidate.

On the other hand Kamala is easier. She "dated" a prominent politician 31 years her senior for some reason. That happens less than 2.5% of the time. Maybe less than 1% of the time. You are talking about the tail of the curve.

Maybe Kamala could pull a Madonna?

"If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob." - Madonna.

Madonna never paid up and Kamala wouldn't either. The hoi poloi are not politicians with high office.

B.Poster said...

If Biden wins, with his dementia he cannot possibly carry out the duties of POTUS. In fact, his odds of actually living through his first term aren't high. As such, he has to be a "placeholder" for someone else. I suspect if he wins Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are probably going to be running the country. As one report indicated, donations to BLM are ending up in the Biden Campaign.

The VP candidate will likely be whomever BLM and ANTIFA handpick. While Tulsi is the more reasonable person and would actually be capable of governing, Kamala probably fits more with the agenda. Tulsi could serve as the "face" that hides the true agenda. I don think she will play along though. So, they are left with Kamala.

Perhaps they can pull it out. The organized riots have moved with military precision and they've taken over a whole section of Seattle. I wouldn't be surprised to the see the Seattle model duplicated in other cities across the country. After current and former high ranking officials just can't be "distracted" from whatever it is they are doing to deal with this.

We know ANTIFA and BLM are capable of great military precision and are capable of taking things over. The question then becomes, should they come to power, can they govern? In other words can they behave like a normal nation state? Based upon what we've seen so far I'd emphatically say no. The death and destruction in their wake has been brutal. Perhaps not on the same level as ISIS but brutal nonetheless.

What ultimately did ISIS was the inability to adjust to behaving like a normal nation state. Had they done so they'd still have all of their territory and probably more!!

If BLM and ISIS gain the power they seek, I suspect they will meet the same fate. Their fate will be a far worse end. Think ISIS with nuclear weapons and you have a nation ruled by ANTIFA and BLM. US generals can do what they want. People hate Trump. I get it. At the end of the day survival has to prevail, we can't have an ISIS like entity presiding over a nation with a large stockpile of nuclear weapons. As such, other nations will intervene to put an end to the experiment and they aren't going to care about "collateral" damage.

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