Saturday, June 13, 2020

Joe Biden: “Even Dr. King’s Assassination Did Not Have The Worldwide Impact The George Floyd’s Death Did”

WNU Editor: Do not compare George Floyd with Dr. Martin Luther King.


RussInSoCal said...

The single difference is that the color of one's skin is now the single and only metric by which we are allowed to judge a human being. Regardless of their behavior or accomplishments or crimes. If you're black or brown (preferably black) you are noble and good. If you are white - or a shade too close thereof - you are privileged, bad and unworthy. In other words, pure racism.

/and that moron's mask is dangling from it's left ear.

Jac said...

I like sleepy Joe, he never miss to say a very stupid thing. He is the perfect opponent of Trump in a debate. In America we have not enough funny people but, fortunately, we shall have a delightful time with him for the November election.

Anonymous said...

"I like sleepy Joe, he never miss to say a very stupid thing. He is the perfect opponent of Trump in a debate."

Except him and Trump cancel each other out. Trump has said (and continues to do so) stupid things in the past. Still prefer Trump over any of the other candidates, but that doesn't mean he's not an idiot.

What amuses me is that Biden's quote could easily be attributed to Trump, as I can see Trump saying something like that.

Anonymous said...

the reference is to the impact and not to the stature of the two men. When King was murdered, did the nation and other nations take to the streets to protest for two straight weeks?

Anonymous said...

Russin... I agree. It is pure racism and hatred towards an "oppressive" white racist regime.

That thought - that white people are bad and racist - was mostly pushed and planted in the minds of the US population by the Democrat party and their partners in crime: CNN, MSNBC. They forget all the white people (mostly republicans) who gave their lives to free black people from slave holders (mostly Democrats). This is so insane and reckless.

They do it to regain power. And to virtue signal to their voters.

Notice how this all happened just a day after Biden was accused of making a racist joke? Then suddenly this story was pushed on us. All cops are racist. (Even the Black, Asian and Hispanic ones, but only the white ones are of course the ones we talk about. Only white ones are evil.)..then the Democrats don't help quell the unrest. Another day later and cities are burning.

Democrats think they know what they're doing but they completely ignore how these thoughts of racism are planted in your society. The data does not back it up. The death of floyd was horrible, but he and the cop knew each other and fought long before over stuff when they worked in the same place together. Even years ago that cop had anger issues. How do we know it was racism?

How come when a white man kills a black man it is racism? But black men kill many many more white men, it is just their righteous cause to protest? When they burn places we say it's just normal.

The Democrats do not know what they're doing by solidifying these thoughts the media (often financed by China) has planted in the minds of the US population. Sure..more voters for them. But they applaud radical behaviour even when financed by outside agitators. Black Lives Matter is a racist term and extremist Organisation. They're financed with more than 100 million by George Soros. In total they near 1bn in funding now. They applaud extremism and making white people accept collective guilt and kneel before others. WTF! Speak out against it and you get fired. You're one step away from race wars. It is beyond reckless. These are not leaders. Also notice how blacks get killed disproportionately more often in Democrat run cities? Chicago. New York. Even the shit show Seattle is Democrat run. How can anyone still vote Democrat? They're vile. Evil. Despicable. Short sighted. Power hungry. Misled.

Do not vote Democrat. It'll be the end of the USA. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

How odd! cities are mostly Democrat and most minorities live in cities and crime etc mostly in cities.
Now name major cities run by GOP
now explain why that happens