Thursday, June 4, 2020

North Korean Leader's Sister Warns South Korea To Stop Defectors From Scattering Anti-North Leaflets

DW: North Korea: Kim's sister threatens to end military pact over leaflets

The North Korean leader’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, has issued a warning to South Korea over anti-Pyongyang leaflets. She has threatened to also shut down a liaison office and an industrial park.

North Korea warned that it would end a 2018 inter-Korean military agreement if the South fails to stop defectors and activists from sending anti-Pyongyang leaflets into the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating the two countries.

The warning was issued on Thursday by the North Korean leader's sister, Kim Yo Jong, who unofficially serves as Kim Jong Un's chief of staff.

She said the military pact reached in 2018 was "hardly of any value.”

Kim Yo Jong also said the North could permanently shut a liaison office with the South and an inter-Korean industrial park in the border town of Kaesong — both have represented reconciliation between the rivals.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The threats worked .... South Korea vows to end border protests after Kim Jong Un’s sister’s threat (NYPost). The interesting thing about this story was that it was the North Korean leader's sister who issued the threat. I take this as a signal on her growing role in the government, and the defacto second in command.

More News On North Korean Leader's Sister Warning South Korea To Stop Defectors From Scattering Anti-North Leaflets

North Korea Threatens to Halt Military Agreement Over Anti-Pyongyang Leaflets Sent by Defectors -- Time/AP
North Korea warns South Korea to stop defectors from scattering anti-North leaflets: KCNA -- Reuters
Kim Yo-jong warns South Korea to tackle 'evil' propaganda balloons -- Guardian
'Human scum': North Korea says leaflets put Seoul pact at risk -- Al Jazeera


Jac said...

Kim Yo Jong...what do we know about her? We know Kim, theatrical by himself but neither stupid nor dangerous (for us, not for the N.K. people). His sister...has obviously the shoulders large enough for being in charge, but in what way?

Anonymous said...

Agreed, very interesting. Was Kim himself involved in any of the communiques?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t the North retaliate with a leaflet campaign of its own? Possibly they could cite the health benefits of a more regulated diet - e.g. grass puts needed fiber in the diet.