Thursday, June 25, 2020

Pakistan's Prime Minister Calls Osama Bin Laden A Martyr

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan faced a growing backlash after saying former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had been 'martyred'

Daily Mail: Pakistan's PM Imran Khan sparks fury after saying Osama bin Laden was 'martyred' by US special forces

* The Prime Minister, 67, made the comment during a parliamentary session
* Former Al-Qaeda leader bin Laden was shot dead by the US Navy SEALS in 2011
* Martyrs are greatly respected in Islam, and Kahn's comment sparked backlash
* Pakistan has always denied knowing that bin Laden was hiding in Abbottabad

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has sparked fury after saying former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was 'martyred'.

Khan, 67, made the hugely controversial comment in parliament when describing the troubled history between Pakistan and the US.

'The Americans came to Abbottabad and killed Osama bin Laden. Martyred him,' Khan said.

Read more ....

Update #1: Pakistan: Imran Khan says US 'martyred' Osama bin Laden -- DW
Update #2: Pakistan PM Imran Khan slammed for saying bin Laden was 'martyred' -- AFP

WNU Editor: The opposition has responded .... Opposition lambastes PM Imran for saying Osama bin Laden was 'martyred' (DAWN).


RussInSoCal said...

Yep.. We "martyred" the Al Qaeda Islamic terror org and we "martyred" the entire ISIS caliphate too.

Even "martyred" Soleimani.

We like "martyring".

Anonymous said...

The Americans came to Abbottabad and killed Osama bin Laden. Martyred him,' - Khan

Exhibit A as to why the US cannot win in Afghanistan.

To win Afghanistan we would need to win in Pakistan, The US public would have to be convinced and that ain't happening.

It is not the military's fault that we cannot win. It is the US body politic's fault. We are going to have a civil war. Democrats are not going to give us an option to decline.

When The Democrat Speaker of the House says

"So, when they admit that, and have some suggestions that are worthy of consideration -- but so far they were trying to get away with murder, actually -- the murder of George Floyd,"

There is not a civil society.

Democrats and their media allies, a bunch of incendiaries, say that the Republicans have a a new police bill just because of the riots.

In truth Senator Rick Scott started the bill last year way before the riots. But you know Democrats, they lie.

Pelosi's lie should not be a shocker. When Senate Leader Harry Reid said that a little bird told him that Mitt Romney did not pay his taxes, he did not apologize before or after the lection.

Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s still not sorry. - Washington Post

Harry Reid’s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney’s tax record

"Is there a line he wouldn’t cross when it comes to political warfare?"

“I don’t know what that line would be,” - Reid.

If Democrats win, Moscow is going to be a smoking, radioactive hole.

How? Why? Once Democrats win and suppress all dissent the US will not be a big enough and box for them. The Iron Law of Oligarchy will apply. Ask Hari.

And of course no Republican President is going to be able to convince enough Americans to War against Pakistan for their stab in the back. A Democrat President maybe could, but with a Republican President, he will be opposed every step of the way.

Best to pull out and let Russia worry about its' soft southern under belly. Let China worry about rat lines from Afghanistan or the other stans into Western China.

Anonymous said...

We hope that Imran Khan will soon join Bin laden as a martyr.