Tuesday, June 2, 2020

She Is 100% Correct

WNU Editor: She is 100% correct. Almost all of the cities that are now engulfed with violence are governed by Democrats. And while the media narrative is to focus on President Trump and to blame him for this mayhem. Talking to the people that I know and trust in the U.S., they are telling me that they are shocked on what is happening, and their anger is directed at their local and state leaders who are responsible for law enforcement and security. Bottom line. Would you vote for a political party that governs like this to also run the White House in 2021? I doubt it. And the anti-Trump protester in the above video knows that also.


Bigus Macus said...

The Democrats appear totally inept at handling this at all levels.

Anonymous said...

There were organizer positions organized for Occupy Wallstreet in Craigslist.

The Left organized that and the Left is organizing this. You might not have a TOE from top to bottom. It is more of an amorphous blob with sometimes competing hierarchies, but they are all Leftist hierarchies.

Democrats directly through their campaign funds have paid street gangs to get out the vote. What is not funded by campaigns is through NGOs funded by Leftists or by the government.

Liberals will bitterly complain about the Koch Brothers and then won't bat an eye that The Tides Foundation is 10 times as large and is Leftist. They will be like "So!". And that is just one of the many Leftists foundations. The Ford Foundation has been taken over by the Left and then there is of course Soros.

Soros has been known since the 1990s when he was messing things up in Ukraine. He called it Open Society and it seemed nice and right, because the Eastern bloc was totalitarian so Open Society must be good. Then when you are no longer fooled by the name, you largely ignore it , because it id way over there and there are always so many competing priorities.
If you get too strenuous about saying what a threat he is then you are a kook. Well he is over here and has been for 2 decades. His money does not go to cancer research by and large or the NRA. It goes to Leftists groups. Soros is a clear and present danger. His dons have followed suit. Those grandees are a clear and present danger. They belong in GITMO.

The violence will stop if the Democrats win all 3 branches of government. Then they will have reparations (Will my immigrant spouse and parent have to pay), Universal healthcare relying on doctors from Africa and the 57 states. 1 to 3 million immigrants from South America everywhere ignoring smart growth policies that liberals usually impose in cities and counties. Cuts in the military until,the liberals find out the Chinese are playing for keeps. Expect 3 to 10 years of cuts first until it become patriotic for the liberal cause to grow the military.

etc, etc, etc

Anonymous said...

That's why the media is trying to spin this as a right-wing false flag operation. They were all supportive of the riots and lootings, but as soon as the public opinion changed they had to try to make the other side look bad instead.

Anonymous said...

As if the people looting care who gets elected. They are committing criminal acts using politics as a cover.