Friday, June 19, 2020

Statue of George Washington Toppled and Draped In Burning US Flag In Portland

Daily Mail: George Washington statue is covered in a burning American flag before being toppled by up to 40 Portland protesters in Oregon

* The George Washington statue was pulled down by a group of about 30 to 40 protesters in Portland, Oregon on Thursday night
* Footage of the incident on the eve of Juneteenth showed the Washington statue draped in a US flag that had been set alight just moments before it was toppled
* Images from the scene show the statue lying face down on the ground and covered in graffiti that read: 'Genocidal colonist'
* Protesters have been tearing down statues across the country as part of anti-racism demonstrations fueled by George Floyd 's death in Minneapolis

A statue of George Washington with a burning American flag draped across it has been toppled by protesters in Portland, Oregon.

The statue, which stood on the lawn of the German American Society in Northeast Portland, was pulled down by a group of about 30 to 40 protesters on Thursday night.

Footage of the incident, which took place on the eve of Juneteenth, showed the Washington statue draped in a US flag that had been set alight just moments before it was toppled.

Washington, the first US president, owned slaves.

Images from the scene show the statue lying face down on the ground and covered in graffiti that read: 'Genocidal colonist'.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Police only showed up an hour after the statue was destroyed. That tells you everything on what is happening in Portland. For my American readers, this story is being covered extensively worldwide. But U.S. media coverage is only briefly touching it. That tells you everything on what is happening in the U.S. media.

More News On The Statue of George Washington Being Toppled and Draped In A Burning US Flag In Portland

Protesters tore down a George Washington statue and set a fire on its head -- CNN
George Washington statue toppled by protesters in Portland, Oregon -- CBS
WATCH: Portland protesters tear down statue of George Washington, drape it with burning US flag -- RT


RussInSoCal said...

Time for Contras.

Anonymous said...

8 years of oh oh obama and the residue finally surfaces.

Anonymous said...


Andrew Jackson said...

I concur with Russ.I've known for sometime that a political solution is not possible.Kinetic action is unavoidable.

Anonymous said...

The 4:05 comment is accurate. Obama does not have a problem with Antifa, BLM or Anarcho-Leftists.

He just disagrees with timing, speed, or openness. If it was 1st one or 1st on three, he would be all in, if he thought it had a 95% chance or working. If it were back, when he was a community organizer, eh would be behind it if it had an 80% chance of working.

Obama is about stealth and things getting back to him. It is why he had Louis Lerner do dirty work and why her computer mysteriously got destroyed.

There is a reason why Mr. Chud's ancestors moved from the Russian Empire to the East coast. Isn't there. It is such a good reason that if a person from that local meets you, you give him the cold shoulder although he wasn't even born then. Your ancestor moved not too long after Washington was president.

Be careful what you support Mr. Chuds. You are a stupid one. I'll just warn you ff Beefsteak Leftists, Beefsteak KKK or Beefsteak bugaloos. They all have a common enemy. So he keep voting Democrat you stupid, loathsome Chud.

Aragon said...

Kids stuffed

fazman said...

And the cops just stand buy and watch because?????
Pathetic, time to smash Malcolm x

Aragon said...

Can't wait till Halloween fools

Aragon said...

It's time to hit the prisoners out of jail kids

Anonymous said...

we have a lot of protests, in fact a majority of the nation is in support. ten (1) American presidents owned slaves. We have Ft Lee named for Confederate lead general but NO fort named for Gen Grant, who was major factor in keeping our nation together. Germans tore down Hitler street signs etc and now I have read that Russia is putting up statues to Stalin...symbolic right?
Just blame Obama for all the bad things and be happy you have the Trump health plan

Anonymous said...

Has any Ashanti leader ever apologized for slavery?

When did the Ashanti make slavery illegal? They never did.

In fact Africa still has slavery in Mauretania and Nigeria to name few places.

Antitroll said...

Washington is useless, like most of Yankee history.

Anonymous said...

Should erect a statue of Mao Tse Tung.

Now there was a real revolutionary.

Alex said...

I grew up in Portland and since I moved there (1997) it has been incredibly liberal and left just boggles the mind that participants in these acts think they are sending a message and making their voices heard...but heard by whom? And what is the message exactly? They rail against a system which - in the case of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis - they have overwhelming democratic control, and have the power and resources to make all the radical change they seek - in their own neighborhood, municipal, county, and state level - but they don't want that; it takes the Federal Government's responsibility and the Federal Government's money.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong Antitroll? Men's bathroom ran out of tampons and you don't feel fresh?

Canada and the US both have Indian reservations. So how is Canada better?

The US got rid of slavery. Canada did not. Britain got rid of it for Canada.

Everything else being equal, if Canada was to the south of the US, it would still have slavery.