Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Destruction Of Christopher Columbus Statues Now Occurring Across The U.S.

Zero Hedge: Christopher Columbus Statue Beheaded In Boston; Another Toppled & Torched In Richmond

Here we go again — another round in which a mob of mostly white Antifa young people take it upon themselves to "purge" any and all historical statues and monuments they deem "offensive" to their extremist ideology.

The Hill reports Wednesday morning: "Statues of Christopher Columbus were targeted by protesters in Massachusetts and Virginia on Tuesday night in an act of solidarity with indigenous peoples."

Local media reports that not only was an eight-foot monument to the first European explorer who discovered the Americas starting with his famous 1492 voyage toppled with ropes, but it was also lit on fire and dragged about 200 yards to a nearby lake.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The destruction of the Columbus statue in Minnesota happened in broad daylight today (see above video).

Update: I am willing to bet that no one in Seattle is going to remove this statue.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to year zero.

Anonymous said...

Italians were heavily discriminated. Terms of derision were thrown their way like WOP (Without Papers) and diego. So they looked for something in their cultural background to celebrate. Now. woke Leftists are telling Italian American "Fuck You!"

You can never satisfy a liberal, Never. Once they are on top they will upset the apple cart all over again to make sure that they remain on top and no one gets a footing. It is what Mao did.

Anonymous said...

"Boston Mayor Refuses to Commit to Restoring Beheaded Columbus Statue"

Boston Mayor obviously is not going to get the Italian-American vote.

Unknown said...

The Floyd incident is being used for something much much darker. A couple of weeks ago it looked to me to be a colour revolution in an attempt to topple the US government & remove Trump. But during the last week, we in Great Britain have seen police officers attacked in riots. A black reporter stated on BBC TV that a policewoman knocked herself off her horse when in fact the horse had been hit by missiles, including a bike & bolted in Terror. CNN stated that the horse caused havoc in the streets. The police woman's injuries include broken rids & a collapsed lung. Over 50 officers injured over the last week. Despite this, London police officers together with other forces in Britain are taking part in these protests by kneeling in surrender, on duty in full uniform with people who have attacked their colleagues. Senior policemen in Bristol have voiced & shown support for these protests & the toppling of a statue. They have neglected to do their duty while statues are criminally damaged. The Britishppolice forces have surrendered our streets to violent mobs. TV shows & motion pictures are being banned. Books will be next. Our politicians are kneeling. Thi to men, in the last couple of days, is looking pretty much like a communist revolution. I have heard some pretty disturbing things from former colleagues re events taking place in London, much too much to put on here. Grab your popcorn, sit down in front of the telly. Stay safe n keep ducking 🖖😎

Nicolas Darkwater said...

I haven't heard anything about the statue of Che Guevara in Central Park either.

Anonymous said...

thou shalt not worship graven images

Why Columbus Day Courts Controversy -

Anonymous said...


Has linked an article, which can be discussed point by point. Instead 7:56 wants to take it as fact as fait accompli, since it was published.

Maybe 7:56 thinks that they know they are right, but that they are a poor debater. Maybe that is the reason for their seagull maneuver. Shit & fly off.

The author of the article made 3 points. Three legs to support their hypothesis. Let's look atone of them, disease warfare. This is laughable. It is made by mean, low born stupid people.

"The theory of infectious disease transmission has its origins in the first decade of the twentieth century. Following the discovery of germ theory in the nineteenth century, scientists tried to understand the cycles in the incidence of many infectious diseases."

Come on man, what did they do?. Intend on collecting germs, store them in their body for an arduous 3 week journey across the ocean, and hope that the disease did not kill them before they could transmit it?

Are you fucking stupid?!?

The answer to that question BTW is yes! You drool.

Anonymous said...

"thou shalt not worship graven images"

Admiring and wanting to imitate the good aspects of a great person is not worship simpleton.

If you were a wrestler, you would be a fish.

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