Friday, June 5, 2020

Today's New York City. Jewish Funeral Banned By The Mayor, But He Permits A Memorial For George Floyd

WNU Editor: You just cannot make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

Dont cry for me..

Anonymous said...

Where is Fred Lapides? Why is he silent?

You legitimately criticize a Democrat for doing things like this and he comes out swinging.

Anonymous said...

As ye vote, so shall ye reap.

B.Poster said...

The mask comes off, no pun intended. COVID-19 is/was a scam from the start. I've long suspected as the leadership class never really acted like they really believed it was a serious problem. We expect thee to make sacrifices. As for me, not so much.

Anonymous said...

I have seen one possible version of the future, and it's here now. Remember in November.