Thursday, June 11, 2020

U.S. Democrats Demand The Removal Of Confederate Statues From Congress Including Jefferson Davis And Robert E. Lee

Daily Mail: Nancy Pelosi demands Republicans agree to remove 11 Confederate statues from Congress including Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee as Donald Trump refuses to rename Army bases

* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter Wednesday calling for the removal of the 11 Confederate statues still on display throughout the Capitol complex
* She sent out a copy of the letter on the heels of President Trump announcing he would not rename military bases that are named after Confederate leaders
* She said the statues, including Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, 'pay homage to hate, not heritage,' and demanded that they be removed

Hours after President Trump said he wouldn't be renaming military bases named for Confederate leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flaunted her opposition by highlighting her work to get Confederate statues in the U.S. Capitol removed.

Pelosi sent out a copy of a letter she had addressed to the chairs of the Joint Committee on the Library, which manages the National Statuary Hall collection - the 100 statues contributed by states that are on display in Statuary Hall and other places around the U.S. Capitol complex.

Each U.S. state gets to contribute two statues and there are currently 11 Confederate figures on display. Pelosi called for their removal.

Pelosi's demand comes amid a wave of anti-racism protests raging across America and the world, in which several statues that symbolize racial oppression have already been torn down.

Donald Trump last night rejected demands to rename a series of military bases named after leaders of the Confederacy, calling them 'hallowed grounds'.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Where will this stop? Abraham Lincoln's position on black people, not uncommon in its time and before he was President, was in alignment with Alexander Stephens. If Confederate statues must go, then so must Lincoln and Washington and Jefferson, and many more.

Arlington Cemetery is built on Robert E Lee's land and the columned house on the property was Robert E Lee's house. Do we have to move the graves at Arlington to somewhere else to accommodate Pelosi's view of history.

Bottom line. History cannot be removed. But it is clear that many are trying to do just that.

Update: I have personally gone through a revision of my thinking on Lenin's tomb in Red Square. As a Russian I have always supported its removal. Read my commentary from here 4 years ago .... A Look Back At The Chinese Cultural Revolution 50 Years Later (May 7, 2016). I now favour something else. Build a museum beside it that is dedicated to the millions who perished because of him and his supporters.


Anonymous said...

The more than a few Southerners, who were pro-slavery and racists, who were questioning their beliefs openly in public.

The South had a manpower shortage. As usual in a manpower shortage throughout history, people get less picky, uppity or racist about who they hire. Knock on wood This is a test question. If the new people work out, it sets a new tone and a new model.

So these southerners who ere pro slavery, opined that if they had Black soldiers for the South they must manumit them at the end of service and if they performed well, they they were wrong about their racism.

And of course their were those southerners who fought only because their state seceded and people from their town were fighting. They did not want to be deemed a coward or they wanted to support the community. And there were southerners in the mountain of Appalachia who were anti slavery and were draft dodgers.

But go ahead and deem southerners as all racists. That is your speed.

If we were to cut illegal and legal immigration substantially and create a manpower shortage, tit would help the lower class. Companies would have job training programs. A lot of companies got ride of their job training or apprenticeship programs in the 1980s.

Got rid of the apprenticeship programs; outsourced; and Fucked the lower class. But Liberals don't care.

Cut immigration from 3 million a year to 1 million or 500 thousand a year or less and watch a lot of people get their GED if they do not have a diploma and employers to trained such people. That is my belief.

But Democrats want cattle to herd. That is how they treat people. Immigration will continue until they have a lock on elections from here on out.

Anonymous said...

Here's a very civilised, very well thought out and argued point of view on the situation of Confederate statues in the American South from Atun-Shei films.

This Gentleman has worked as Living History at Gettysburg both as Union and Confederate.

Anonymous said...

On the question of the linked videos it was to put across a point view from someone that I found reasonable. Things should be discussed and argued from all sides rather than wholesale shaming from the media onto one side. The destruction and vandalism of statues and monuments is emotional, stupid and counter-productive.

Anonymous said...

Indians are not native to America. They came from Central Siberia.

We should discus repatriation of them with Putin.

Anonymous said...

Right. Indians came from Siberia. And there were no immigration restrictions when they came to the continent.

Anonymous said...

Just like yours!

Anonymous said...


The videos miss the point entirely. It is like speech, If you do not like the speech, you do not suppress it. Instead you get more speech. Same with the monuments.

There is a statue to Crazy Horse, The sculptor did not go about making his point by tearing down Mount Rushmore or something else. He made his point by adding.

And you know what? He found a lot of real estate to do it and not only that it is prominent.

If we are going to rename something or tear it down . Let us start with pedophile Harvey Milk.