Thursday, June 11, 2020

U.S. Poll: Eight In 10 Want Police Funding Increased Or Maintained

Washington Examiner: Eight in 10 want police funding increased or maintained: Sheriffs

The American public overwhelmingly wants funding for police to be increased or maintained, according to a new poll that shows people having strong support for first responders.

In a new survey for the National Sheriffs Association and provided exclusively to Secrets, 53% called for increased funding for law enforcement. Another 26% want to maintain current spending, and 11% want a decrease.

It also backed the top job of police officers: arresting and jailing criminals.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: So much for the overwhelming media narrative that there is a public push for "defunding" the police .... Do Americans Want To Defund The Police? (June 5, 2020). And even though the above poll was done for law enforcement (National Sheriffs Association), I am willing to bet that support for the police is over 90%. This is such a winning issue for Republicans, I do not understand why they are not embracing it like President Trump has.

Update: This is why Hispanics will not support defunding the police .... 'Defund the police' creating deep rift between two key Dem constituencies, Hispanics and blacks (American Interest). Like myself, many have left countries that do not have a police force, and if they do, it is either small, ineffective, or corrupt. We know too well on what the impact will be if police forces are defunded or abolished.

Update #2: Basically nobody supports cutting funding for police. According to this YouGov poll, just 16% of Democrats, 15% of Republicans, and 17% of Independents support funding cuts.

Glenn Reynolds is right about this .... This is no doubt why people are rushing forward to tell us that “defunding” doesn’t mean funding cuts, and “abolishing the police” doesn’t mean getting rid of the police.


B.Poster said...

Why aren't Republicans embracing it like President Trump has? They, at least the leadership do not like Trump and never really have, are so full of hatred for him that many of them are willing to hurt themselves if only it means hurting Trump. Hatred does this to people. It gets them to act in ways contrary to their own interests or that of their constituents. Since the others who aren't necessarily in leadership roles must tow the line of the leadership to get the necessary infrastructure behind them for campaigning and what not, they ultimately get in line as well. The sooner they get over this petty Trump hatred the better.

Trump and the Republican party probably need each other. Trump has the smarts and the instincts necessary to get things done successfully. The Republican party has the financial resources and the infrastructure to see to it that Trump's policies get implemented. As there may need to be some tweaks to Trump's policies, they can contribute constructively to making the necessary adjustments. As the saying goes, stand together or hand separately.

Anonymous said...

Camden and Baltimore both got rid of their police forces. Both cities were shitholes.

I am happy to say I no longer regard Camden

Two U.S. Cities Dismantled Their Police Departments. You Won't Believe What Happened Next...

Maybe everything is not going right for Camden. They reformed the police, but not the public schools.

'Nothing Ever Changes In Camden, It's A Great Human Tragedy' - 2014

6 or 12 months is maybe too soon judge. Still the 1st article is interesting.

Baltimore reform was done by Obama and henchmen. Baltimore is still a shit hole.

"On October 29, 2012, the FBI announced Camden was ranked first in violent crime per capita of cities with over 50,000 residents.[406]

There were 23 homicides in Camden in 2017, the lowest since 1987 and almost half as many as the 44 murders the previous year" - Wiki,_New_Jersey#Crime

This city disbanded its police department 7 years ago. Here's what happened next - CNN

Camden it seems is doing better. Still have to fix the teachers union. But at least Cory is gone. That was a weight off of the shoulders of the people of Camden. He was kicked upstairs.

Anonymous said...

More data on Camden

Anonymous said...

Police: Camden crime stats improved in 2018

"Police: Camden crime stats improved in 2018" - Courier Post Online

Anonymous said...

2 in 10 people do not funding to police increased. This is what they look like.

‘If people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground’ - Democratic House candidate Kim Olson

Nasty human being

War News Updates Editor said...

Contrary to the media narrative, Camden is not the model that cities should follow to disband/reform their police departments.

Anonymous said...

Bryan Preston said maybe we should look at it. And dig and dig and dig and apparently wNU is doing.

I'll still take it over the way Obama did Baltimore.

Now to look at the Business Insider article.

Anonymous said...

Surveillance videos captures police officers in Mexico beating two women, who claim the cops threatened to rape and kill them if they reported it

"This is why Hispanics will not support defunding the police .... 'Defund the police' creating deep rift between two key Dem constituencies, Hispanics and blacks (American Interest). Like myself, many have left countries that do not have a police force, and if they do, it is either small, ineffective, or corrupt. We know too well on what the impact will be if police forces are defunded or abolished."

And WNU was right.