Thursday, June 11, 2020

Whose Side Are The U.S. Generals On? President Trump Or Former Vice President Biden?

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at a campaign event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 11, 2020. © REUTERS/Bastiaan Slabbers

Nebojsa Malic, RT: Whose side are generals on? As Joint Chiefs chairman APOLOGIZES for standing by Trump, Biden confident of military support

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is ‘absolutely convinced’ that the military would be on his side if President Donald Trump tries to ‘steal the election’ or refuses to leave the White House. He has reasons to be.

Biden’s “single greatest concern” is that Trump is “going to try to steal this election,” he told the Daily Show host Trevor Noah in a video interview published on Thursday morning.

He could not hide his pleasure with the fact that several former and current military officials have spoken out against the president recently, adding that he was “absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch” if Trump loses the election but refuses to concede.

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WNU Editor: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden sounds like someone who believes that he has already won the election, and the military will follow his orders when (I can presume not if) President Trump "steals the election" (see video below).


B.Poster said...

I believe President Trump's policies are the correct ones and he is sticking pretty much to the policy prescriptions he ran on. He cannot implement them by himself. He's going to need the Republicans in Congress and those serving in his Administration such as the generals to work with him to implement them. Otherwise we are dead in the water so to speak. Essentially Trump has the correct policy suggestion. Republicans in Congress have the means by which to see that they're implemented.

As for Biden, what he may be insuating is there's a plan by his team to steal the election then when Trump protests this the generals are going to back their coup. Regardless how it works out I would expect Trump to place the interests of the country above his own. With other political leaders i don't have that kind of confidence.

jimbrown said...

I can't understand how anyone would vote for such a corrupt idiot as Biden. Under the most basic inspecction. he's unsuitable to be president.

Someone needs to give Trump an MVP award for survivjng these never ending attacks, some from unexpected quarters.

RussInSoCal said...

What jimbrown said...

B.Poster said...


Agreed!! There's little that can be added.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years.

What the president calls "my military" is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.

Anonymous said...

"They are on their own side. Flag officers are politicians in their own right, they are only doing what they believe will further their own careers."

I have heard it said that officers become political, if for no other reason to keep from having their careers scuppered. They cannot afford to piss off any Congress person due to Congressional review of promotions.

I don't know if this is an artifact of Tailhook or not.

A general is going to fall one way or another due to family, peers, education/profession, and experience.

Congressional review was intended to sort out bad apples, but instead exacerbates partisan tendencies. Congress has their thumb on promotions.

Anonymous said...

anon had it right when he said and the military confirmed that they swore an oath to defend the constitution and not an individual

Anonymous said...

постер ты, блядь, русский бот и инструмент Никто не посмеет сказать, что вы говорите, потому что это всегда то, чего хочет Россия, а это хаос и растерянность.

Anonymous said...

What 2:27 said.

Anonymous said...

"anon had it right when he said and the military confirmed that they swore an oath to defend the constitution and not an individual"

And these military men are violating their oath. They are letting domestic enemies (ANTIFA supported by MOSCOW, ANTIFA/BLM donors, and others) destroy the country.

DJT will be gone in 6 months to 4 years. He won't be stuffing ballot boxes like Democrats. Democrats are the threat to the US

I like you Russian address BTW

B.Poster said...

When these generals both current and retired say they are taking their actions to uphold the Constitution, they speak with forked tongues. In other words, they lie. In order to fight wars, Congress must first declare them. We are currently fighting dozens of undeclared wars. Every war since WW2 would be a violation of the Constitution. Essentially the generals have no problem with our young people being sent to die and/or e maimed for life in fruitless wars all over the world that not only aren't advancing our interests but are actually undermining them and are unconstitutional on top of all of that.

If Biden gets elected, I have to wonder what new war they are going to get us into. I'm thinking first on their agenda will be against Israel. I pray not.

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