Thursday, June 11, 2020

Yahoo News/YouGov Poll: Support For Black Lives Matter Is Now The Majority In The U.S.

Yahoo News: New Yahoo News/YouGov polP: Support for Black Lives Matter doubles as most Americans reject Trump's protest response

In what may represent one of the more rapid shifts in racial attitudes in recent U.S. history, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that a broad majority of Americans now believe that both the police and society as a whole are beset by systemic racism — a messaging victory for the Black Lives Matter movement and the related protests that have roiled the nation since George Floyd died last month under the knee of a Minneapolis cop.

Likewise, most Americans reject President Trump’s claim that “law and order” can solve the problem, even as they worry that activists’ preferred approach of “defunding” the police goes too far.

The survey, conducted June 9 and 10, found that the mass protests have triggered a sea change in perceptions of race in America. In 2016, just a quarter of Americans (27 percent) told YouGov that they approved of Black Lives Matter; today, 57 percent say they have a favorable view of the movement.

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WNU Editor: Can't find the methodology that was used to make this poll. But it is out there, and many are using it to justify their agenda.