Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Powerful Russian Submarine Has Entered The Baltic Sea

The upgraded Oscar-II cruise missile submarine can reportedly carry 72 cruise missiles of different sorts. H I Sutton

Forbes: Powerful Russian Submarine Seen Entering Baltic Sea

An Oscar-II class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine was seen entering the Baltic early Thursday. Russia normally only deploys diesel-electric submarines to the area. While these are potent, and can carry a few long range cruise missiles, the arrival of the OSCAR-II is a massive increase in Russian Navy firepower. So when one turns up it gets noticed by NATO and the Baltic States.

Its arrival was monitored by open-source intelligence analysts. As it passed under the Great Belt Bridge which spans the entrance of the Baltic, it had to do so on the surface, so it was briefly visible on the public webcams on the bridge. OSINT analysts shared the information and identified the submarine.

The submarine is believed to be Orel (K-266), which is expected to appear at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg on July 26. There is often more to it than just a parade, however. The submarine may participate in training exercises with other units, and is seen as a show force in the Baltic. Already the Russian Ministry of Defense has shown naval vessels practicing an amphibious operation ahead of the parade.

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WNU Editor: I am not concerned about this deployment. Russia' annual Navy Day parade is in a few days (see here).  My guess is that the brass want to show-off this sub in St. Petersburg.

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