Monday, July 20, 2020

Are America's Days Of International Policing Over?

Image: Flikr / U.S. Department of Defense

Ramon Marks, National Interest: America's Days of International Policing are Over

The United States can no longer act as the lone, dominant military power around the globe.

The Trump administration indicated that it may change the number of U.S. troops in NATO when it threatened to remove those troops from Germany and possibly send them to Poland. While Congress appears to have blocked that step, this festering controversy in NATO over troop levels and participation is not going to disappear. Ever since President Donald Trump took office, he has raised the complaint level by several decibels over the continuing failure of European NATO allies to meet a 2014 agreement to spend at least 2 percent of gross domestic product on their defense budgets by 2021. Of the major powers, Germany is the worst offender, spending only 1.3 percent of its GDP on defense, and not pledging to meet the 2 percent annual goal until 2031.

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WNU Editor: Running an empire is not what most Americans want. The fact that the U.S. has played that role for the past 75 years is definitely a unique moment in its history, and one that I think will change to a lesser role in the coming years.


Anonymous said...

The western values, freedom, democracy, rule of law, free speech are extremely valuable and there's a high demand for it around the world. From the east(Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, Japan etc) to the west, including all of Europe and all of north America.

What's lacking is a new vision and a body truly representing this wish of people to live freely.

We should first off all acknowledge the burden Americans carried for much off the world. I grew up in Europe and know that without the US presence, especially before the 90s, Russia would have invaded us.

Now an even bigger threat to mankind and freedom has manifested in China.

Our leaders need to start prioritizing. There's ZERO appetite from the largest parts of the population for any of these gender bathrooms, pronouns and all the GR stupidity. This detraction alone costs billions and billions with zero benefit to society and I'd argue a huge net minus for the vast majority. On top, cancel culture and this cult like indoctrination stemming from the left must end and end NOW. They are using terror tactics and silencing not unsimilar from Nazi Germany.

We need to immediately stop all these non productive courses so many people take at uni.. they poison or minds with their toxic approaches, calling men toxic and cheering themselves on. It needs to stop. Get a real job and be productive. No more of this hatred against white men, this vileness needs to end. They're living at the expense of people who actually build up society and not just criticise and moan and intimidate. It's sickening.

But we need real leaders who understand that the vast majority is sick of the left and their culture of vomiting on everyone. They never reflect on their own misdeeds but blame everyone else.

And we need to focus on STEM, not have more of these shitty courses. Social sciences has been an utter failure over the last 50 years and has brought nothing but deficits and a toxic environment.

And our media, where many of these sick people end up, needs to be held accountable for the sickness they spread by projecting their diseases on all of us.

Anonymous said...

This message has been brought to you by the Epoch Times.

Long live the Gong(show).

Layguy said...

Perhaps our next war will be one our communities and all our peoples can get behind. The fight for liberty and justice. Huntington said it well."clash of civilizations".

RussInSoCal said...

11:14 AM

Excellent post.

Anonymous said...


Can you give a few concrete examples?

Anonymous said...

America cannot police itself.

Federal Judge’s Son Shot Dead and Her Defense Attorney Husband Critically Injured Just Days After Taking Jeffrey Epstein Finances Case

It seems that the shooter was professional. The shooter played dress up. He dressed up as a Fed Ex guy.

I cannot see Trump doing this due to innocence and he is one of the most watched guy & administration in the world. The FBI/CIA is likely still spying on him.

That leaves the Democrats. For all the bluster for every Republican taken out there will be 20 to 50 Democrats taken out due to court testimony.

Mike Feldhake said...

Yes, the US has learned it cannot continue to pay the price with a Target posted on our backs. However, we have strong Allies all over which we will continue to support; UK, Japan, India etc. These Allies represent a large Free block of countries that will help stabilize the free world. However, I see other large swaths of the globe falling prey and becoming very unstable. The US will remain a strong desired location for many decades - and all this crap with the libs is them loosing. Most people in the US just want free and safe areas to raise their families, work and grow old. Seems basic, but it will show up in this election cycle.

Layguy said...

Any war ever. It's entirely relative. Ask a partisan why he/ she fights.

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