Monday, July 20, 2020

China's Navy Has Tipped The Balance In The Pacific

China’s Expanding Navy
Sources: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Reuters: China’s vast fleet is tipping the balance in the Pacific

The Chinese navy, which is growing faster than any other major fleet, now controls the seas off its coast. Once dominant, the United States and its allies sail warily in these waters. A former U.S. naval officer says China's advances have caught America napping.

A generation ago, from mid-1995 into early 1996, China lobbed missiles in the waters around Taiwan as the self-governing island prepared to hold its first fully democratic presidential election. Washington forcefully intervened to support its ally, sending two aircraft carrier battle groups to patrol nearby. The carriers, then as now the spearhead of American power, intimidated Beijing. The vote went ahead. The missiles stopped.

Today, with tension again running high, Washington still backs Taiwan. Chinese President Xi Jinping on January 2 renewed Beijing’s longstanding threat to use force if necessary to restore mainland control over the island. But the United States is now sending much more muted signals of support.

On Sunday, American ships sailed through the Taiwan Strait. This was the seventh passage of U.S. warships through the narrow, strategically sensitive waterway since July. Each time, though, just two U.S. vessels have ventured through; this week, it was a pair of destroyers. No powerful flotillas and certainly no aircraft carriers. It has been more than 11 years since an American carrier traversed the Taiwan Strait.

Read more ....

Update: China expands its amphibious forces in challenge to U.S. supremacy beyond Asia (Reuters)

WNU Editor: The above is part of a Reuters Series on the rise of China. For more go here .... The China Challenge (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Would be in the mid to long term interest of Russia to help the west.. even short term plenty of opportunities to work together. We're culturally and by blood much closer. But hey..Putin and Trump are probably too proud? ... or ...more likely, handtied by our media that is bought and paid for by China.

Who benefited the most of the Russia collusion hoax? CNN, Democrats and China.. big money for them.

Anonymous said...

Or in the Washington Post:

Chinese show courage and innovation expanding their rightfuly and often ignored territorial claims while racist Trump fails to protect the proud women and black population from the pandemic he caused.

Also: deplorable white brown-shirt wearing, dog- whistle listening white southerners and fly-over state retards still think they should support this sexist tax-evading pig.

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