Monday, July 20, 2020

The Cold War Between The U.S. And China Is Getting Hotter

Image: Wikimedia

Frederick Kempe, CNBC: The cold war between U.S. and China just got a lot hotter

* Some argue that the danger of a U.S.-Chinese war is growing. What that misses, a prominent Asian business leader told me this week, is that China has already decided the war has begun.
* Like the Cold War before it, the outcome is unlikely to be decided by military means. Also like the contest before it, the war will be fought not over days but over decades.

So, this is what life feels like “in the foothills of a new Cold War,” as Henry Kissinger has called it.Though perhaps the better metaphor would be “in the trenches,” for this week one could hear the steady din overhead from the escalating U.S.-Chinese conflict that will define our times.

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea as “completely unlawful,” and he pledged U.S. support for those countries that would wish to challenge Beijing.

For its part, China sanctioned Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, among others, in retaliation for their legislative actions against Chinese officials linked to the detention and repression of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The pandemic has opened everyone's eyes, and we are now seeing China unleashed. But here is an easy prediction. This is just the start. China is focused on expansion, and has zero interest to compromise or accommodate its neighbours or nations like the U.S..They are going to push the envelop further.


Anonymous said...

The Chinese did nothing to keep the Wuhan virus from being a bio weapon used against the USA. They allowed thousands of Chinese infected with the virus to travel to the USA while telling the USA the virus wasn't contagious. At the same time they restricted internal travel from Wuhan to interior Chinese destinations.

Of course China and the USA are at war.

Anonymous said...

A bio weapon funded by Obama and the CDC?

Anonymous said...

You cannot expand, when all the borders have been set more or less permanently since WW2. you'll get dog piled.

What they could do is have business contracts that give them 50% to 60% of the profits. If they get any greedier, they will just breed resentment, which is detrimental in the long term.